Rub Coconut Oil Into Your Forehead For At Least 15 Minutes For This Powerful Lasting Effect


Rub Coconut Oil Into Your Forehead For At Least 15 Minutes For This Powerful Lasting Effect

You have probably heard of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but what about Ayurvedic medicine? Ayurveda is India's ancient healing system that dates back thousands of years. It is also known as Traditional Indian Medicine. Like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda takes a holistic approach and is based on the belief that illnesses are caused by some sort of imbalance between the mind, body and spirit. When these three basic constituents of the human body are in harmony, a person experiences optimal health, according to WebMD


Just as you can incorporate elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as qigong and acupuncture, into your own home remedy routine, you can also learn and borrow from Ayurvedic medicine. Especially as Ayurvedic medicine, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, is aimed at enhancing the quality of life, as opposed to treating specific diseases and ailments. One of the ways to use Ayurveda as a home remedy is to give yourself a relaxing self-massage. Known as "Abhyanga," this massage is intended to restore balance in the body and promote longevity and self-love, according to The Chopra Center


Abhyanga takes only 15- 20 minutes, but has a host of enduring benefits. These include, lubricating the joints, increasing circulation, stimulating the internal organs, eliminating toxins, increasing stamina, and calming the nerves.

To give yourself an Ayurvedic massage, begin by heating coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil. The massage can be performed sitting or standing. Try both and see which is most comfortable for you. 


Begin by applying oil to the crown of your forehead, working outwards in circular strokes. Massage your entire scalp, and then move on to your face. Massage your forehead, temples, cheeks, jaws, and ears. When massaging your arms and legs, use long strokes, pausing to massage your joints in circular motions. Rub your abdomen and chest using broad clockwise movements. When focusing on your abdomen, follow the path of your intestines, moving upwards on the right side, then across and down on the left side. Finish with your feet. 


Once you have finished the massage, it is important to sit still for 5- 15 minutes in order to allow the oil to absorb into your body, says The Chopra Center. Afterwards, indulge in a warm bath or hot shower. Use mild soap to cleanse your body of the oil, but do not scrub too vigorously. Dry yourself gently. 


You will feel nourished and grateful for having taken the time to renew your mind, body and spirit. 


According to Easy Ayurveda, self-massage will make anyone feel good, but can be particularly effective for people suffering from chronic pain. This is because the oil absorbs directly into the body at the source of pain. By giving these areas a bit of extra love and attention, you can bring relief without the use of pain pills. 


Have YOU tried Ayurvedic massage? Tell us your thoughts and SHARE this article on social media! 



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