Some of us don't live; we merely exist. Wouldn't you rather burn the world down and accomplish something that pushed you, made you wake up every morning truly anticipating the day, fulfilled a lifelong dream, launched the company you've been chatting about for years, or wrote the book?
Everybody has something they'd like to do. Saying to your grandchildren, "I gave it my best shot," rather than, "I sat in and watched TV a lot and didn't really do much with my life," would be wonderful.
It's simple to fall into the trap of doing nothing, which actually uses up more energy than actually doing anything.
Here are 32 Things you may regret 10 years from now
1. Caring what other people might think
2. Doing what you thought would please others
3. Staying in that job you've hated for so long
4. Not going after a dream
5. Giving up at the last hurdle
6. Settling for second best
7. Putting others before yourself
8. Sitting on your arse watching TV
9. Not paying attention to the people who really do matter
10. Not taking risks to do something you've always wanted to do
11. Thinking that it's all about the money
12. Not getting over your fears in life
13. Staying in a relationship you knew had ended a long time ago
14. Not taking care of your body
15. Not finding enough time to sit and enjoy the journey
16. Not laughing at yourself enough
17. Not opening your mind to new possibilities
18. Always thinking about the past
19. Chasing money instead of seeking happiness
20. Always thinking 'mañana, mañana' – you've got to make your own tomorrows
21. Accepting only the love you think you deserve, when you should have set your standards higher
22. Not realising that it's your own thoughts that create your world
23. Thinking that the world owes you a favour
24. Listening to reason ALL the time, sometimes you've got to just follow your heart
25. Not being braver
26. Not trusting yourself enough
27. Not realising that something good comes out of every bad situation
28. Knowing that you chose this life and that it's up to you to manage it the way YOU would like
29. Letting someone else use you as a way to realise their dreams
30. Allowing yourself to follow someone else's beliefs instead of investigating your beliefs for yourself
31. Not being honest ALL THE TIME with yourself and with others
32. Not letting the small things go, and focus on the things that really matter