How to Persuade Anyone and Everyone


How to Persuade Anyone and Everyone

Finally, a clear article about how I can manipulate everyone in my life. My friends, coworkers, family, now absolute putty in my hands. Okay, calm down because your evil intentions will not work here. Many of us wish we could understand the inner-workings of others' minds, as well as enhance the exchanges we share with others in not just our favor, but theirs as well. This is not only a way to learn more about yourself and others, but about finding the best way to effectively communicate and grow.


First things first, the test. Some of you have probably already taken or heard of the Myers Briggs Personality test, but I ask that you take it, possibly a few on a couple different sites to get a more accurate result. I could go on about why I choose this test over all other personality tests, but, ultimately, this is the one I find most accurate and informative. So, go ahead, I can wait.


Hopefully, you took the test, and maybe you already knew or maybe you're surprised. In the case of inconclusive results, pick the one you feel best reflects you. Regardless, I'll do a quick overview of what the results can mean before you start taking over the minds' of humanity.



There are 8 different letters, you will receive 4. Let's talk about what the letters actually mean.

Extrovert or Introvert: Your result either begins with an E or an I. Essentially, this come downs to how your body recharges and finds "peace." Generally, extroverts feel better after having talked to another person or in a group setting, whereas an introvert may feel rejuvenated after spending quality time with one's self. While there may be hybrids of this particular balance, this comes down to what awakens your mind.


Intuition or Sensing: This category is about how you take in information. The sensory deals with tangible results or basics, meaning you have to see it to believe it. The intuitive-nature stems from a more inquisitive style that looks for possibilities or new and different meanings.


Thinking or Feeling: This is the one we'll focus on the most and deals with how we make decisions. As a thinker you generally want to focus on the logic, numbers, and consistency. Someone who is a feeler focuses on the emotions and people in a situation.


Judging or Perceiving: Perceivers like to live in the moment and find ways to be spontaneous and leave options open. Judgers like to plan more heavily and require structure.

If you want a detailed explanation of your personality, look elsewhere. There is no superior "type," but rather this experiment be an opportunity to understand and appreciate all types and broaden your perspective.



Now, we're at the point where we're molding the minds of others to our liking. The majority of the persuasion we will learn comes down to the way we appeal to how one makes decisions. While we don't automatically know everyone's personality type, we can preface conversations or meetings in ways that will help us have a better understanding of how one conducts business or decides something. Again, much of this is common sense, but this explanation may help you apply this to your day to day interactions.

When we discover someone seems to focus more on results, logic, or numbers, we can already start appealing to this sense they have when it comes to making decisions. For example, suppose your boss is a thinker, and you want a second computer monitor for your research but know the budget is tight. Instead of just asking for another monitor, you highlight the increase in your performance and research that will increase company value, retention, blah blah blah. Pretty simple right?

Same situation, but your boss is a feeler. Instead of talking numbers, we may refocus attention on the people who will benefit from your research and how this will bring more people to the company, growing the community, blah blah.

Another option for further persuasion is dealing with how they prefer to take in information. This can be much harder considering how challenging it is to figure out if someone is intuitive or sensory-based. If you do know or think you have a good idea, you can apply the same principles with focusing on either tangible results or relate to them on the potential of the situation. In the same situation previously addressed, we can appeal to a more intuitive individual if we talk about the endless possibilities and future progress of the research. If dealing with sensory-based, you would want to shift your focus to the current findings of the research.

This simple tool can prove to be highly effective, it's almost scary. This approach can be used for good or bad, but I encourage you to use this knowledge as a way for better constructing your discussions and desires. While this article may be laden with sarcasm, much of what I have shared is applicable to various avenues in life and can promote far better communication across all platforms.

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