10 Harsh Truths of Life That You Learn from Your Bad Times:

10 Harsh Truths of Life That You Learn from Your Bad Times:

  1. Bad things happen to everyone. Both good and bad people face problems. No one is special.
  2. Unconditional love is rare. Only your mum and sometimes family might love you no matter what.
  3. You can’t keep all your friends. No matter how much you try, some friendships will fade.
  4. Use your pain wisely. Turn pain into something good, or it will be wasted.
  5. Anxiety makes everything worse. Worrying too much can feel worse than the problem itself.
  6. Not everyone will appreciate your efforts.
  7. You can't control everything; sometimes you just have to let go.
  8. Life isn't always fair, and that's okay.
  9. You will face rejection and failure, but they are part of growth.
  10. Happiness comes from within, not from external sources.

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