Are you an overthinker? Read this:

Are you an overthinker? Read this:

1. You're loved, someone out there loves you more than you think. 


2. Your anxiety will tell you the worst-case scenario. It's a damn liar.

3. You mean so much to your friends and family, they may not say it as often but they do love you. 


4. You've already survived things you didn't think you'd survive. 

5. You're strong and you can get through everything one step at a time. 


6. You're not a failure! Never! 

7. No matter what anyone tells you, you're beautiful, smart and you matter. 


8. Keep your mind off things that don't help you think positively. 

9. You are not bothering anyone at all, they would love to hear more of your thoughts. 


10. It's okay not to be okay. But make sure you speak to someone and let go of any negative emotions.


11. Stop feeding bad thoughts. 


12. Stop caring what others think. You're unique and amazing! That's all that matters, 

13. As long as you're breathing, people will judge. Learn to not give a f*ck about them. 


14. Do what's right for you. Start putting yourself and your happiness first.

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