Food That Cleans The Liver And Accelerates The Burning Of Calories

Food That Cleans The Liver And Accelerates The Burning Of Calories

Whatever we eat and drink during our life passes through our liver.

That is why this organ endures and absorbs all our bad eating habits and protects our body through its work.

If you want to do something good for your body, and therefore for your liver, find out how to keep it healthy and what to “cleanse” it.

Fatty and fried food, unhealthy drinks, alcohol and drugs are the main enemies of our liver, which has the function of a filter in the body that cleans the body of harmful ingredients.

But precisely because of the heavy work it does, the liver can become very burdened, and this can cause health problems.

Since the liver is not connected to our nervous system, a diseased liver will not hurt us, and thus the disease is very difficult to detect. But the good news is that the liver regenerates and almost any damage can be repaired.


Foods that cleanse the liver:

1. Garlic – stimulates the production of enzymes that help the body eliminate toxins.

2. Citrus fruits – rich in vitamin C, citrus fruits are a powerful antioxidant that helps the liver absorb harmful substances faster.

3. Beetroot – rich in flavonoids, stimulates the liver and improves its work.

4. Green tea – the catechin ingredient that this tea is rich in is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body.

5. Green leafy vegetables – spinach, kale, Swiss chard and lettuce are full of chlorophyll and are very effective in neutralizing and flushing toxins from the blood system.

6. Pineapple – it is full of vitamin C and acts as a natural diuretic that rids the body of toxins.

7. Mint – mint leaves are rich in flavonoids that act as powerful antioxidants.

8. Ginger – a very powerful antioxidant that accelerates the metabolism, helps to remove fat from the body.

9. Nuts – contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids and amino acids that accelerate the detoxification process.

10. Cabbage – just like broccoli and cauliflower, cabbage has a strong effect on liver enzymes, which regulate and accelerate its work.

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