What are healthy habits of people who have lived over 100 years?

What are healthy habits of people who have lived over 100 years?

  1. Don’t Smoke: If you smoke you shouldn’t be asking this question in the first place. Quit smoking.
  2. Make friends: Even a small circle of 2–3 friends will decrease the chances of early death by 200%. Loneliness kills, I guess.
  3. Sleep well: If wake up every day with mental fog you definitely aren’t doing this right. Learn to rest properly.
  4. Be Happy: Yes figure out what makes you happy and do it. You can’t live long if you are not happy.
  5. Avoid Stress: This is a big one. Everyday stress can lead to so many problems. Find a way to control your stress levels.
  6. Exercise: 15–30 min of exercise every day is crucial. You know this is true because you feel alive when you exercise.

Eat healthily, limit alcohol, the list can go on and on.

You might think these are very simple things. Where is the big secret you were looking for?

Well yes, the truth is simple.

It’s not about knowing. It’s about doing.

Frankly, you knew these things you just needed a reason to do them. Let this be your reason.

Pick one thing from the list and start working on it.

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