Signs Of Nutrient Deficiency You Can See On Your Face…!!!

Signs Of Nutrient Deficiency You Can See On Your Face…!!!

Vitamin deficiencies are a common health issue these days, and they can be the main cause of various severe ailments and conditions.

For instance, in the last 12 years, vitamin A deficiency has killed over 8 million children, and more than 1 billion people suffer from vitamin D deficiency.

Therefore, it is of high importance to diagnose these deficiencies on time and treat them before they lead to other health complications.

When the body craves for some nutrients, all of its parts suffer. Therefore, just look in the mirror, and you will read its signals. These are the 5 most common signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies:

Pale Lips
Pale lips are often a symptom of iron deficiency, one of the most common nutritional deficiency in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
To optimize your iron levels, eat more spinach and other green leafy vegetables, lentils, dark chocolate, spirulina, and raisins.

Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes often indicate a lack of sleep, but they can also be a sign of reduced iodine levels as well.
Iodine eliminates endocrine disruptors, such as fluorine, chlorine, and bromine, and improves the function of the thyroid, and treats puffiness.
Moreover, reducing the salt intake to lower puffiness. Instead, consume pastured eggs, beans, kefir, and sea vegetables, like dulse, kelp, and wakame.

Extremely Pale Skin
If your skin has become too pale, it might be a sign of Vitamin B12 deficiency.
This will be accompanied by fatigue.
Therefore, start taking supplements, and increase the intake of pastured eggs and/or raw rennet-free cheeses.

Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums indicate a lack of vitamin C in the body.
Vitamin C deficiency also causes nosebleeds and swellings in the joints.
In this case, consume foods rich in it, and thus treat the symptoms.

Dry Hair
The brittle and dry hair and dandruff might signal Biotin or Vitamin B7.
In this case, eat green peas, mushrooms, legumes, nuts, and sunflower seeds.

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