Is It More Beneficial To Eat Ripe Or Less Ripe Bananas?

Is It More Beneficial To Eat Ripe Or Less Ripe Bananas?

There are hardly any people who do not like to eat bananas. However, have you ever wondered if it is better for your health to eat a ripe or less ripe banana?

The more dark spots there are, the richer the banana is in vitamins B and C, contains potassium and antioxidants, but is also much easier to digest.

Bananas that are less ripe or have a greener color are rich in probiotic bacteria that have a good effect on colon health. They contain less sugar than very ripe banana and more starch. Starch is responsible for a longer feeling of satiety.

Research suggests that underripe bananas are 80 to 90% carbohydrates, which turn into free sugars as bananas ripen. Therefore, it is better for people suffering from diabetes to eat less ripe bananas.


Whether green or very ripe, they are an excellent source of potassium and other nutrients. It cannot be said that one type is better to eat than another, because each has certain advantages, but also disadvantages if people have certain health problems.

Unripe bananas contain less sugar and people with diabetes should choose slightly greener ones. Namely, the more ripe the banana, the more the starch in it turns into sugar.

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