How To Get Rid Of Daytime Sleepiness!!!

How To Get Rid Of Daytime Sleepiness!!!

Sufficient nighttime sleep. The average person suffers 7-8 hours of night sleep, to cheerfully feel all day. Adolescents need 9-10 hours of sleep.

Get in the habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time. In doing so, you will accustom your body to such a regime and in the future, you will have less chance to find out what insomnia is. Observe this mode even on weekends. Many people get used to it over the years and usually wake up themselves a few minutes before the alarm goes off.

Remove excess items from the bedroom. The bedroom is only for sleeping, so remove the TV, computer and other irritants in the other room. Also, before going to bed, it is not recommended to engage in serious or nervous mental activity, as this can disturb your restful sleep.

When translating time for 1 hour, change your mode gradually. Every year, in many countries, the clock moves back an hour an hour, and then an hour later. By the way, in Russia in 2012, the hands of the clock were translated to summer time and decided to no longer translate for winter. But in 2014 they did everything, on the contrary, namely, they switched the clock to winter time and also decided, only now in the summertime, no longer to translate them. It would seem that 1 hour is a little, but even because of such trifles many people violate the regime and they do not get enough sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to move to a new time gradually. Every day for 4 days, try to lie down and wake up for 15 minutes early, and the stress of time transfer will be minimal, as with this approach you will easily adapt.

Eat at the same time. The regularity of food intake also affects a healthy sleep. Do not get into the habit of eating late at night, since an active process of digestion can disturb sleep. Ideally, you should have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Exercise stress. Daily moderate exercise (enough 20-30 minutes) will create the prerequisites for a healthy sleep. Exercises will keep your body muscles toned, and it will be easier for you to fall asleep. It is recommended to do it no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Correct your daily routine. Many people do not have enough time for 7-8 hours of healthy sleep. And this is very important. Try to revise your daily routine and remove or displace unimportant cases and tasks.

Try not to go to sleep, if you do not feel sleepy. It is advisable not to go to bed, if you are just tired, most likely, you can not fall asleep quickly. But when your eyes close themselves, and you fall asleep on the go, this is the perfect state for sleeping.

Do not go to bed in the evening. Even a short night’s sleep can shift your biological clock and worsen night sleep. And this will lead to daytime drowsiness.
10. Do not drink alcohol before bed. Many believe that alcohol helps to fall asleep more quickly, in part this is true, but in a state of alcoholic intoxication sleep phases are broken, and even after sleeping 10 hours, you will not feel completely rested. It is also very likely that you will wake up in the middle of the night

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