7 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

7 Zero Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

Zero calorie foods for weight loss! What does that even mean? Do I have to eat salad all day every!? Absolutely not! What makes a food “zero calories?”

The theory of zero calorie foods is that the body will burn more calories metabolizing and cooking the food than the calories the food contains. So it doesn’t mean that the food literally contains ZERO calories. It does contain some calories, but the body burns off more calories eating and digesting the food than itself contains.

The zero calorie foods for weight loss were selected based on two criteria: The first was that they must be full of nutrients like vitamins and antioxidants for your health. The second is that they must be under 100 calories per 1 cup serving. So, no, coke zero does NOT count. Neither does any other food loaded up with artificial sugar in order to fly under the radar as “zero calories.”

1. Apples

Apples are one of the healthiest fruits on the planet, containing antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even pectin (which has been shown to reduce hunger). Eating an apple can be a great snack between lunch and dinner because it will keep the body full while providing a small energy boost. Calories per cup – 57 k/cal

2. Broccoli 

Broccoli is a superfood with the ability to lower the risk of cancer, raise vitamin D, C and K, provide healthy fibre, and it even contains a small amount of protein. Broccoli also provides the unique benefits of lowering inflammation, helping with stress, and detoxifying the body. Broccoli is best cooked steamed, blanched, or roasted and can be paired with a variety of foods! Calories per cup – 30 k/cal

3. Asparagus 

Asparagus is the third of our zero calorie foods, is often paired with a variety of foods, and has significant health benefits. Containing high amounts of vitamin K, folate, copper, fibre, and vitamin B1, it is a nutrient-dense food with powerful health benefits. Grilling and steaming asparagus are popular options, but it can also be added raw to a salad! Calories per cup – 27 k/cal

4. Watermelon 

Watermelon is a delicious, low-calorie treat that can be enjoyed without the guilt. Not only is it naturally sweet, but it contains many antioxidants and is low in calories. Make sure that 1 or 2 cups worth doesn’t turn into a dozen. A strategic way to eat watermelon is to save it for after your dinner for a healthy dessert. Calories per cup – 47 k/cal

5. Cucumbers 

Cucumbers are a delicious nutrient powerhouse. They contain polyphenols that reduce the rates of cancer and can help manage stress levels because they contain multiple B vitamins (B1, B5, B7, Biotin). Because cucumbers primarily consist of water and fibre, they also provide support to the body’s digestive health. Throw them on a delicious low-cal salad or enjoy them in a refreshing glass of cucumber water!

6. Oranges 

Oranges are known for having lots of vitamin C, fibre, B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium. This is another great option if you are at work or just looking for a quick snack to kill your cravings. They have also been shown to lower the risk of heart disease because of their addition of potassium to a diet. Eating oranges will help keep a low caloric load for the day and keep you healthy and happy. Calories per cup – 85 k/cal

7. Celery 

Celery has long been touted as a zero calorie food. It is a good source of vitamin K and water, so it can be filling. However, there is an obvious problem with this food: It has virtually no taste. People tend to add peanut butter or cream fillings to this snack, which runs up the calorie count. To maximize the benefits, eat celery with your meal in soups or in your green smoothies. Calories per cup – 16 k/cal


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