12 Protein-Packed Snacks That Will Keep You Energized

12 Protein-Packed Snacks That Will Keep You Energized

The key to a satisfying snack is protein, the hunger-busting nutrient that slows digestion and keeps your blood sugar steady. Here are 12 portable options you can take anywhere.

Single-serve cottage cheese: It has 3 grams more belly-filling protein than a typical serving of Greek Yogurt.

Hardboiled egg: In addition to 6 grams of protein, one egg delivers a hearty dose of vitamin D and B12.

Peanut butter pack: Just one squeeze pack contains 8 grams of protein. Smear it on a banana for some antioxidants and fiber.

Mini cheese or string cheese: These snack-size portions (with 6 to 8 grams protein each) are individually wrapped, which means you can toss them right in your purse.

Edamame: Whether you eat edamame hot or dry roasted, you’re getting a satisfying combo of protein and fiber.

Roasted chickpeas: One serving packs 5 grams each of fiber and protein. You can make a batch of your own by mixing rinsed and drained chickpeas with olive oil and your choice of spices; then back in a preheated oven at 425 degrees for 45 minutes.

Greek yogurt: Creamy and delicious — Greek yogurt tastes like dessert, and boasts more protein (12 to 20 grams of protein per container) than traditional yogurts.

Turkey roll-up: Nitrate-free deli turkey breast rolled up with a little mustard, a slice of tomato, and some lettuce provides 18 grams of protein, to help tide you over from lunch to dinner.

Hummus cup: Make your own snack-pack with sliced veggies to dip.

100-calorie almond pack: These packs with built-in portion control contain 4 grams of filling protein.

Tuna pouch: Easy to eat (just dig in with a fork!), each packet has 16 grams of protein, and satisfies 100% of your daily need for the antioxidant selenium.

Kefir: For a healthy gut, try this lactose-free, drinkable “yogurt,” which as three times as much probiotics as regular yogurt, and 11 grams of protein per cup.

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