Watch Out! This Danger Lurks For Students Who Like To Stay Up Late

Watch Out! This Danger Lurks For Students Who Like To Stay Up Late

Some people may feel that 24 hours a day is not enough to complete many activities. College students and students usually stay up late for hours to complete assignments. Some even do not sleep for days.

If it is done too often and it becomes a habit, staying up late can have a bad effect on the body. Lack of sleep can disrupt physical and mental health.

Reporting to the British National Health Service (NHS), insufficient sleep duration can cause health problems such as diabetes to heart problems.

Apart from these two health problems, staying up late to lack of sleep has other bad effects.

Check out some of the bad effects of staying up late below, summarized from Health.

Diabetes risk

People who like to stay up late are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This type of diabetes occurs because blood sugar levels exceed normal levels.

Type two diabetes is also commonly known as diabetes. If not treated immediately, diabetes can interfere with daily activities.

In order not to get this disease, you should start changing you're staying up late habits.


Decreased academic performance

Because it is in its infancy, adequate sleep is needed for students.

However, schoolwork sometimes makes students choose to sacrifice sleep time to complete the task.

According to Health, students who sleep late show poor academic performance.

Staying up late to study or do assignments is not effective. Information from the material being studied will be difficult to digest by the brain because it is tired.

A 2015 study published in Depression and Anxiety, staying up late can increase the risk of depression and anxiety.

Lack of sleep causes emotional instability. As a result, people who often stay up late will experience various emotional changes.

The habit of staying up late makes it difficult for someone to control emotions. It is not uncommon for him to become irritable and sensitive to something.


Weight gain

Some people believe staying up late can reduce weight. On the contrary, staying up late can increase your body weight.

Because you are still awake until late, of course, your eating habits will change. In order to stay energized at night, you certainly need to eat.

When you stay up late, you will eat outside of healthy eating hours. Not infrequently the food consumed is unhealthy food.

Sourced from Health, the body will lose the ability to burn fat at night due to food intake at night.

Even though the body has its own biological clock to digest and absorb metabolism from food at night.

Because eating while accompanying activities to stay up late, effect will certainly make you gain weight.


High blood pressure and heart problems

Staying up late can increase the risk of high blood pressure. In addition to high blood pressure, staying up late is also at risk of increased heart problems.

Increased blood pressure affects the work of the heart. This makes the heart work harder than it should be.

Heart attacks can occur due to the heart working too hard the effects of staying up late.

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