Potato Facial Mask That Works Magic For Dry/Dark Skin


Potato Facial Mask That Works Magic For Dry/Dark Skin

Your skin easily becomes dry, flaky and dark during winter. Cleansing with harsh chemicals makes it even worst. If you want to remove tan or brighten/lighten your complexion or if you have dark spots and want clear skin try this simple Potato Tomato Mask. Potatoes act as a natural skin whitening agent, they are rich in vitamin C which is vital for maintaining skin health. Another main ingredient which is used for skin whitening is Tomato.

Remedy 1: Tomato-Potato Mask

Tomatoes have lycopene, which is an antioxidant and works as a sunscreen from within. These antioxidants make tomato an anti-aging product as they help in fighting cellular damage and reddening of the skin. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin K.The acidity in tomatoes helps in reducing and clearing up your acne.


To make this mask you need Potato, tomato, Oatmeal and Besan (chickpea flour). Oatmeal is an effective home remedy to treat itchy, dry and irritated skin. You can use instant oatmeal for this mask. Besan gently exfoliates the skin.

Take half a Potato, half a Tomato, 2 tablespoons of Oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of Besan to make this mask.

  1. You just have to mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this mask onto the face and let it stay on for about 5-10 minutes. Do not let it dry, if you let the mask dry it will make your skin dry and itchy.
  3. Rub in a circular motion before you wash it off.

You can replace your daily facial cleanser with this mask as this mask nourishes and gently cleanses the skin.


Remedy 2: Potato-yogurt skin whitening face mask

Ingredients required:

  • Mashed potato paste: 1 teaspoon
  • Yogurt: 1 teaspoon
  • Face pack applicator: 1
  • Wet tissues: 1-2


  1. Take a clean container and add both the ingredients.
  2. Keep mixing until it forms a thick paste.


  1. Take a generous amount of this face pack and apply it evenly on your face with a face pack applicator.
  2. Keep it on for about 10 minutes.
  3. Wipe it off with a wet tissue.
  4. Follow up with your favorite moisturizer.


  • Apply this face mask once in a week for the best results.


Potato contains vitamins B, vitamin C, calcium,  potassium, iron, copper, and phosphorus. Yogurt, on the other hand, contains lactic acid. When these ingredients are mixed and applied on the face, they delay the onset of deep-seated wrinkles and remove dark spots from your face to make you look younger than your age.

Remedy 3 Carrot-potato skin brightening face mask

Ingredients required:

  1. Mashed boiled potato: 1
  2. Mashed Boiled carrot
  3. Turmeric powder: just pinch of
  4. Olive oil: 1 tablespoon
  5. Face pack applicator: 1


  • Add turmeric powder and olive oil in a container to make a paste with a medium consistency.
  • Next up, the vegetables and whisk it well.


  • Take a generous amount of this face pack on your face pack applicator, apply it evenly all over your face.
  • Keep it on for about 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water.


  • Try this face mask once in a week for the best results.


Carrot contains beta- carotene, and potato is a natural bleaching agent. When these ingredients are combined together they form a powerful medicinal paste that can be used for skin brightening once in a while.

Note: If you are allergic to any of the above-mentioned ingredients, then do not add it in the mask. Do not peel the potato, use it with its skin for the mask.

Remedy 4 Potato Olive oil Skin Brightening Face Mask

Ingredients Required:

  • Potato: 1 whole
  • Olive oil: 1 tbsp
  • Raw Milk: 1-2 tbsp


  1. First of all, take a medium-sized potato and then bring it to a boil for a few minutes until it gets soft.
  2. After that, remove the potato skin and then turn it into a mash.
  3. Then, take the potato mash in a container and add 1 tbsp of olive oil and up to a couple of tbsp of raw milk to it. Mix all the ingredients together to get a smooth and consistent paste.
  4. After that, wash and cleanse your face and then apply this mask on to your skin.
  5. Lastly, rinse it off using tepid water after the mask has dried after about 15 minutes.


  • This is a great but still simple mask. We already are aware of the skin brightening and lightening properties of the potato due to its significant bleaching characteristics. Milk is also known to be great for skin brightening and lightening and hence is a popular ingredient for many cosmetic products and face masks and such. Olive oil is a terrific carrier and goes along terrifically with both skin and hair. It helps improve the elasticity and the pigmentation of the skin while also making it softer, smoother and stronger. All in all, this a great and healthy face mask.

Remedy 5: Potato Lemon Face Mask

Ingredients Required:

  • Potato juice: 1 tsp
  • Lemon Juice: 1/2 tsp


  1. First of all, you have to combine 1 tsp of fresh potato juice along with 1/2 tsp of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  2. After that, apply the mixture all over your face after cleansing it well.
  3. Lastly, let the mask stay on your face for about 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.
  4. Finish by dabbing dry with a clean towel and then with a moisturizer and you are done!


  • This is another one of the great face masks for darker skin tones as the lemon in it also adds onto the bleaching properties of the potato and helps a lot in making the skin cleaner and brighter while also helping to even out the skin’s pigmentation and make it brighter too. Moreover, it is a great cleanser of the skin too due to it having strong acidic characteristics.

Remedy 6: Potato Rice Flour Face Pack

Ingredients Required:

  • Potato juice: 1 tsp
  • Rice flour: 1 tsp
  • Honey: 1 tsp
  • Lemon Juice: 1 tsp


  • First of all, take a container and add 1 tsp each of all the ingredients to it.
  • After that, mix all the ingredients together thoroughly by stirring them together.
  • Then, apply the hence obtained face pack all over your face and skin.
  • Lastly, after the pack has dried it off, get it off by scrubbing gently in circular motions and cleanse with normal water and you are done!
  • You can use this remedy up to a couple of times in a week for great effect.


The rice flour in this remedy works as a great exfoliator of the skin to help remove any dead skin cells and other impurities to make the skin softer and add a glow to it. We already are aware of the skin bleaching and lightening properties of potato and lemon juice and they work in this one too to improve the pigmentation of the skin.

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