Get Flawless Skin With Korean Skin Care Routine

Get Flawless Skin With Korean Skin Care Routine

Korean women put in a lot of work and effort to maintain their skin acne-free and flawless all the time. There is a whole routine they follow to have an even-toned and radiant skin which is quickly becoming famous around the world. The Korean Skin Care Routine involves cleansing, toning, massaging and a lot of other stuff to obtain the much coveted flawless skin. Here is the whole routine in detail.

Double Cleansing

The Korean skin care routine starts with washing your face to remove any makeup and skin cream. It is a very important step of the whole routine as it removes all traces of makeup, skin cream, liquid cleanser, dirt, oil, and pollution from your skin and skin pores. This opens up the pores and clears them so that any subsequent procedure can work without any interference or blockage. The name of this step is double cleansing because you wash your face two times in a single sitting. Use a nutrient-rich towelette to wash off the makeup and blush and then use a mild oil cleanser with some lukewarm water to remove the eye makeup and draw out sebum. Complete the step by washing with water again.

Massage the Face

Massaging the face is very beneficial as it relaxes the muscles giving them time to re-energize themselves. A relaxed face has a certain glow to it due to the improved blood circulation in the facial muscles. Use a foaming cleanser or a mild cream to properly cleanse the face. Gently spread the cleanser on your face and massage it by lightly pressing with the knuckle of your fingers in a soft circular motion. Try not to rub the face or press it too tightly on the skin as it will make it rough. Proper cleaning and some massage will improve the complexion of your skin and protect it from acne, pimple, and breakouts. Massage your face including the forehead and the sides of the nose as well.



Exfoliation is a process which is quite necessary for getting better skin but should not be overdone. The third step of the routine focuses on the dead skin cells which get accumulated on the surface, blocking the passage from outer air and making the skin more oily. If you have more than usual oily skin then you should exfoliate your skin once every week otherwise do it only once in two weeks. Exfoliation is generally done on your T-zone and your nose and cheek areas because that is where the oil gets collected the most. Use a gentle oil-free exfoliator to scrub off the impurities from your skin. Try not to rub or scratch the skin a lot as it can make it rough and dry, just use it judicially on your blackheads and visible pores on the cheeks.



Toning is essentially a process where you replenish the skin and help restore the nutrients it has lost during the day. Toners reduce the pore size and help in refreshing the skin from within. This is a very crucial intermediate step as it will prepare your skin for the processes yet to come. You should use a toner based on your skin type and which soothes your skin while keeping the pH level of the skin in check.

Essence Application

Probably the most important step in the Korean skincare routine in applying the essence. Essence is basically a concentrated liquid or serum which is full of skin-friendly nutrients and ingredients like glycerin and hyaluronic acid. Just a little spray of this liquid will increase the elasticity of the skin, make it firm and revitalize the cell renewal process. This will also give your skin a lighter complexion after regular use. Tap or scrub the sprayed essence on your face for better absorption and penetration through the skin.


Supplement with an Ampoule

After you have applied, or sprayed, the essence all over your face, you might want to think about using an ampoule as well. The ampoule is nothing but a vitamin-rich, condensed version of the essence. It is more powerful than the essence hence only a drop of it is used in specific areas. Uneven skin tone, signs of aging, dull skin, dark spots and loss of elasticity are some reasons for which an ampoule might be used.


Massage and Mask the Face

This step should not be overdone as well. The facial sheet masks should just be used twice or thrice in a week or they start becoming ineffective. Massage your face with gentle hands for five minutes to boost the circulation and then apply the sheet masks. You can cover your whole face with the mask or just some targetted areas like under the eye, sides of the nose, wrinkles and your lips. There are several masks which come in specially made shapes and designs for specific areas of your face.


Don’t Forget the Eyes

Eyes are a very delicate part of the body. The skin around the eyes is also very thin and is prone to many different skin problems. The Korean skincare routine incorporates the health and beauty of our eye as well. Use an intensive eye cream to protect your eyes from dark circles, age lines, puffiness, and wrinkles. Just apply the eye cream to the skin and lightly tap the cream to spread it around the eye.



All that cleansing, exfoliating, toning and tapping flushes out the moisture from the skin. Although the skin becomes more clean and healthy than before, it loses some hydration as well. That is why this skincare routine asks us to apply a moisturizer. A mild facial moisturizer is more than enough for our skin to replenish the hydration lost during the whole process.


Finish with a Sleeping Pack

Last, and arguably the most vital step of the whole process. You have washed your face, massaged it, removed the dead skin cells, toned the skin, sprayed some essence, applied a face mask and moisturized it again. Your skin is now in a very delicate stage. It is ready to transform and glow when you wake up in the morning. The only thing that is missing is a generous application of an ultra-rich night cream along with a second layer of moisturizer. The importance of this step is that it traps or locks in the hydration and emulsion applied to the face and gives them the timespan of a night to work on the skin and revamp it completely.

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