Effective And Easy To Make, Choose This Mask For Acne

Effective And Easy To Make, Choose This Mask For Acne

The content in natural ingredients is useful as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, making it suitable as a mask for acne. You don't need to worry because the way to make it is easy to try.

In addition to masks, it's a good idea to adopt a healthy lifestyle using a skin that's not prone to acne.

First, avoid dehydration by drinking lots of water. When your skin is dry, acne is more difficult to heal and other skin problems can arise.

Second, manage stress properly so that the hormones in the body can be controlled. That way, oil production decreases so that acne rarely appears.

Third, don't squeeze pimples carelessly. Better to use a mask so that the acne can heal faster.


Aloe vera

Launching from Medical News Today, aloe vera contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can treat acne. In addition, aloe vera also has a lot of air so it can moisturize the skin.

You only need to apply aloe vera gel on the area of ​​the skin with acne. Make sure to choose a product that contains at least 10% aloe vera gel.

Of course, it would be better if you use real aloe vera gel without any added chemicals.



The next natural ingredient that is suitable for use as a mask for acne is honey.

Just like aloe vera, honey contains antibacterial properties that can prevent the spread of bacteria. Not only that, the antioxidant content in honey is responsible for clearing clogged pores.

One of the most common causes of acne is the production of oil or sebum that is too high. This can clog pores, causing acne.

If you want to reduce the production of oil in your skin, try using green tea.

Catechins, a type of antioxidant found in green tea, are able to break down chemicals and waste products that are harmful to skin cell health. In addition, green tea can fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil is suitable as a mask for acne. Like other natural ingredients, coconut oil contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties so that the acne healing process can be faster.

The trick, apply coconut oil on the skin with acne and wait for it to dry. To speed up the healing process and for maximum results, do this method as often as possible.

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