Easy To Try, Here Are 4 Ways To Make A Natural Face Mask

Easy To Try, Here Are 4 Ways To Make A Natural Face Mask

There are many ways to make natural face masks that you can do. The ingredients you need are easy to find. You can take advantage of natural ingredients that are around you to deal with skin problems that you experience.

In fact, there are many skin care products that you can find on the market. However, these products are made from chemicals that pose a risk of problematic skin problems. By using natural ingredients, you can reduce the risk of irritation and other problems.

Before using natural ingredients all over your face, be sure to test it first, OK. For example, use natural ingredients on one point of the skin to see if there is an irritant reaction or not. If there is no reaction at all, you can use natural ingredients regularly.


Bananas are filled with essential nutrients that the skin needs, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, and so on. Quoting from The Healthy (thehealthy.com), these nutrients can treat various skin problems.

Starting from disguising black spots, moisturizing the skin, and preventing the appearance of signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. You just need to mash a medium ripe banana until it's smooth. Apply on face for 10-20 minutes then rinse with cold water.



How to make a natural face mask then you can do it using milk. First, mix 1/4 cup powdered milk with water to form a paste. Apply the mask to the face until dry then rinse with warm water.



Another natural ingredient recommended by The Healthy for maintaining healthy skin is yogurt. Yogurt is useful for cleaning pores thoroughly and tightening your skin. The method you need to do is easy.

First, mix 1 teaspoon of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel, and ¼ orange juice. Try to use plain yogurt, OK. After mixing evenly, apply the mask to the face for at least five minutes then rinse with water.

If you want smoother and smoother skin, try wearing a mask made of strawberries. You can do this natural face mask by mixing it with plain yogurt and mashed almonds.

The trick, mix a handful of crushed strawberries with 3 tablespoons of almonds and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. Stir until evenly then apply on face. Wait a few moments to dry then rinse with water.

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