Benefits of Wearing a Mask Overnight

Benefits of Wearing a Mask Overnight

Are you currently feeling stressed and dry skin but too lazy to take care of it? Relax, there is an answer to your problem.

You can wear a mask specially designed to be worn overnight. Quoted from Healthline, Dendy Engelman, a dermatological surgeon in NYC, aptly described it as a "supercharged night cream".

Mask function that can be worn overnight

Makes certain ingredients soak into the skin

Designed to help ingredients sink deeper while you sleep, the overnight mask acts as a sealer. This thin layer of product prevents dirt and dust from entering your pores and locks in other active products, making all the goodness work more effectively without evaporating.

"It is designed to last longer on your face, (to be) stronger, and to provide powerful results throughout the night, such as intense hydration, brightening, and soothing," says Dr. Engelman.

Scientifically speaking, there are also several reasons why this overnight mask works so beautifully.

Replicate and reproduce skin cells

Research has shown that skin cells replicate and reproduce at night. Wearing a mask overnight is like helping the renewal process.

"When the body is sleeping soundly and deeply, skin metabolism increases and cell turnover and renewal increases," says Dr. Engelman.

He noted that this happened between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m.

Locks in moisture

Furthermore, it locks in moisture.

"When you sleep, your body's hydration will return to balance. The skin is able to restore moisture, while excess water is processed to be removed, ”notes Dr. Engelman.

Engelman suggests looking for masks with peptides, ceramides, and hyaluronic acid. These ingredients help "support collagen production, which can smooth fine lines and wrinkles and lock in moisture for eight hours.

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