6 Symptoms of V4ginal Fungal Infection to Watch Out for


6 Symptoms of V4ginal Fungal Infection to Watch Out for

Quoted from WebMD, about 75 percent of women can experience v4ginal yeast infections at least once in their lives. This means you can also be at risk of v4ginal yeast infection, or even not aware that you are experiencing it. Take a look, do you experience any of the following symptoms or v4ginal yeast infections?

Various symptoms of v4ginal yeast infection

V4ginal discomfort and itching are the most common symptoms of  V4ginal yeast infections. However, this is usually accompanied by other symptoms which include:

1. Clumping V4ginal discharge

Leucorrhoea is a normal thing experienced by all women, especially before menstruation. But be careful, abnormal v4ginal discharge can be a symptom of v4ginal yeast infection, you know!

Pari Ghodsi, M.D., an obstetrician and woman health expert in Los Angeles, revealed that v4ginal discharge due to v4ginal yeast infections tends to form lumpy (lumpy) juices that resemble cottage cheese, yellowish or greenish in color, and give off an unpleasant odor.

2. The v4ginal feels very itchy

Some women sometimes experience v4ginal itching due to various causes, one of which is due to v4ginal yeast infections. The difference is, itching in your intimate organs will feel very disturbing and makes you not stand to scratch it.

However, no matter how bad your v4gina is, never scratch it. This will only further irritate the soft v4ginal lining.

3. Pain when urinating

Do not underestimate when you feel pain when urinating. Besides being a sign of v4ginal yeast infection, this can also be a signal of urinary tract infections to venereal disease.

4. Reddish and swollen v4ginal lips

Try taking a small mirror and aiming it at your v4gina. Pay attention, do the lips of the v4gina and vulva appear reddish or swollen? If so, you could have a v4ginal yeast infection.

5. Lower stomach pain

Women can experience stomach cramps in the lower part when exposed to v4ginall yeast infections. This symptom is certainly different from premenstrual cramps. The difference is, this stomach ache occurs continuously and never disappear even though you’ve tried to rest.

6. Pain during s3x

Not only interfere with health, v4ginal yeast infections also make your s3xual relations so uncomfortable. Because the v4gina will feel hot, causing pain during s3xual intercourse.

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