5 Easy Steps To Lose Belly Fat


5 Easy Steps To Lose Belly Fat

Many people crave a slim waist and a flat stomach. However, losing belly fat is no easy feat. There are several factors that make it difficult to lose belly fat. For example, weight gain and age-related genetics.

But on the other hand, the right steps can reduce belly fat and improve health. What should be done?


1. Active every day

Exercise not only burns calories, it can also help maintain muscle mass as you get older. Muscle mass helps to keep your metabolism stable.

It is best to get a combination of cardiovascular training and resistance training (weight bearing). The World Health Organization recommends a minimum of 150-300 minutes of moderate to vigorous (or combined) intensity physical activity each week.


2. Cut back on added sugar

According to the USDA Dietary Guidelines 2020-2025, sugar intake should be no more than 10% of total daily calories. For example, the daily consumption is 2000 calories. So the maximum sugar intake is 200 calories or 12 teaspoons.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends a maximum sugar intake of 50 grams or four tablespoons per day. Keep in mind, added sugar lurks a lot in your diet that you don't realize.

For example, ice cream, cake candy, chili sauce, snacks, and many more. Sweetened drinks such as energy drinks, soda, sweetened tea, and other beverages can also add added sugar.


3. Consume more vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables can help fight belly fat in several ways. First, the fiber content in fruits and vegetables gives a feeling of fullness. That way the stomach will feel full after eating and reduce the desire for high-calorie snack cravings.

Second, many fruits and most vegetables are low in calories. Filling a plate with fruits and vegetables can help reduce your daily calorie intake. A calorie deficit is one way to lose weight, including reducing belly fat.


4. Consumption of adequate protein

Protein may not help promote belly fat, but it is beneficial for maintaining weight because it helps you feel full. Research shows that people who eat high-protein snacks have less hunger after eating, are full longer, and wait longer for their next meal.

Examples of protein-rich snacks include Greek yogurt, nuts, peanut butter, beef jerky or turkey. Other foods include boiled eggs, canned tuna, salmon, hummus and vegetables, edamame, and cheese.

Research shows that protein intake reverses the relationship with belly fat. The more protein you eat, the less belly fat you have. Also, eating more plant protein provides added fiber.


5. Focus on portions

Increasing portions of meals, restaurants or at home can lead to weight gain in both adults and children. It is possible to determine the portion of the meal, especially when faced with a large plate of very tasty food.

Learning appropriate portions of a variety of foods can help avoid overeating calories. Try serving these portions in smaller containers.

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