3 Signs You May Have Bacterial Vaginosis

3 Signs You May Have Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a vaginal infection caused by bacteria. Usually, in the vagina there is a colony of “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria. Good bacteria in charge of regulating the ecosystem in the vagina while controlling the growth of bad bacteria. In someone who has bacterial vaginosis, the balance between the two bacteria is disturbed. In the vagina there are not enough good bacteria and too many bad bacteria.

Experts do not know exactly what causes this imbalance in bacterial populations. However, there are several things that are thought to increase your risk of bacterial vaginosis:

Having more than one sexual partner, or having a new sexual partner – BV is more commonly found in sexually active women. However, those of you who are still unable to contract this condition.
  • Doing vaginal douche (cleaning the vagina with a kind of spray tool).
  • Active smoking.

Bacterial vaginosis is generally a mild problem that can resolve on its own within a few days. However, this condition can lead to other more serious problems. Therefore, it is recommended that you consult a doctor to get the right diagnosis and treatment.

Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis

Signs and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis may include:

1. Leucorrhea is foul smelling

Foul smelling vaginal discharge is the most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis. The vagina that has been affected by BV shows a milky white, grayish or yellowish vaginal discharge, also has a very strong fishy odor – which may get worse after sex. The texture of vaginal discharge may also look foamy or runny.

Many things can cause abnormal vaginal discharge, including some types of sexually transmitted diseases. See your doctor right away to run the test and get the right treatment.

2. Pain when urinating

Pain during urination is a common sign of bladder infection (UTI). UTIs can be caused by bacterial infections – such as bacterial vaginosis – or inflammation of the bladder tract.

There are several other medical conditions that can cause painful sensations during urination. In addition to BV, you may also complain about the same condition if you have a sexually transmitted infection, such as genital herpes, gonorrhea, or chlamydia.

Even sometimes, the sensation of pain and burning is not caused by infection, but from the use of certain products in the genital area. Soap, lotion, and bath foam can irritate vaginal tissue. The chemicals contained in laundry detergents or douches can also cause pain during urination in sensitive women.

It’s important to get tests and laboratory tests at the nearest hospital to diagnose your complaint, especially if you have pain and have been involved in risky sexual relations, such as unprotected sex or with more than one partner.

3. Vaginal itching and irritation

Complaints about itching in the vagina are common in cases of bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal itching is an uncomfortable, sometimes painful, symptom that usually results from irritation, infection, or menopause. This condition can also occur as a result of certain skin disorders or sexually transmitted diseases. In rare cases, vaginal itching may arise due to stress or vulvar cancer.

Just like BV, vaginal itching usually doesn’t have to be a concern. However, you should see a doctor if the itching is severe or if you suspect that you are showing other symptoms of the underlying condition. Your doctor can determine the reason why your vagina feels itchy through tests and lab tests. Your doctor can also recommend the right treatment for your complaint.

All of the above symptoms may be similar to vaginal yeast infections and some other health problems. In addition, many women with BV can show no signs or symptoms.

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