11 Ways To Get Rid of Lines On The Face And Neck, It's Easy!

11 Ways To Get Rid of Lines On The Face And Neck, It's Easy!

Sunscreen can help reduce skin patches on the face

Pigmentation refers to skin color. Skin pigmentation disorders cause changes or streaks in our skin color.

Melanin is a pigment made by skin cells and is responsible for human skin color.

Skin conditions that are often felt by everyone are stripes, including on the face.

It is characterized by the appearance of patches on the skin or all over the body.

Dark spots, melasma, and scars are common types of patches on the skin.

Skin patches on the face and neck are usually harmless, but sometimes they can be caused by an underlying medical condition.

The use of certain drugs can also cause skin darkening. This is a cosmetic problem for most people.

Patches that occur on the skin are the result of changes that occur in the body, such as hormones and aging, as well as external factors such as acne, dark spots, sores, and eczema.

Exposure to direct sunlight to the face also causes skin patches. This condition is known as sunspots or solar lentigines.

Reporting from a journal published by Medscape, solar lentigines or lentigo is a skin condition that experiences small black patches on the face area. Lentigenes can develop slowly over years and appear suddenly.

Blackish brown patches that cause patches on the face of various kinds.

These are also known as freckles. Usually this is because facial skin does not use sunscreen so that the sun attacks the skin layer directly.

Apart from the face, the back skin also occurs on the back, neck, shoulders and instep.

The shape of the stripes due to the sun, namely, small brown spots of varying size. This striped skin often occurs at the age of 35 years and over.

No need to worry, facial stripes can be overcome by regularly using skincare and natural herbal ingredients every day.

Because every skincare does not contain ingredients that can even out the skin tone on the face, you can try natural methods at home, you know. These materials are also easy to obtain.

Well, if you have problems with stripes on your face and neck, let's see how to fix them below.

How to Get Rid of Stripes on the Face Naturally

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Launching a study from the National Library of Medicine, apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which can even out facial patches. Apple cider vinegar can reduce blemishes on the face due to sunlight or acne scars. How to mix using apple cider vinegar is quite easy.

You just need to pour some apple cider vinegar into an empty container. Then apply apple cider vinegar to the striped face and let stand for two to three minutes. After that, wash your face with warm water and do it regularly twice a day.


2. Lemon and Honey

Other herbal ingredients include lemon and honey. This mixture can remove streaks on the face naturally. The active ingredients in lemon are believed to brighten the face and honey to moisturize and make the skin supple.

To use it, pour 2 tablespoons of honey and lemon juice into the container. Then apply a lemon and honey mask to the area of ​​the face. Soak a towel in warm water and cover your face for 15-20 minutes.

Moms can this honey and lemon mask while relaxing to make it more comfortable.


3. Aloe Vera

Who would have thought, aloe vera, which is often used in skincare ingredients, can also remove streaks on the face, you know!

According to a study by Planta Medica, aloe vera contains the compound aloin, which has been shown to effectively brighten and remove facial patches.

It is enough to apply aloe vera solution to the area of ​​the skin before going to bed. Then the next day rinse with warm water. Repeat regularly to remove streaks on the face naturally.


4. Black Tea

A Toxological Research study, black tea is effective in disguising black spots, acne scars and blemishes on the face. Black tea juice can be used to even out skin tone with easy home treatments.

Use 1 tablespoon of black tea leaves and boil it until it boils. Then filter the water. Take a cotton ball and dip it in the tea water and apply it to the areas of your face. Apply this method twice a day for optimal results.

Green tea can also be an alternative to get rid of facial streaks.


5. Milk

Milk, buttermilk and sour milk have been shown to be effective in lightening skin discoloration. The lactic acid in milk plays an active role as a way to get rid of facial stripes.

The trick, soak a cotton ball in milk. Rub on the skin twice a day. Repeat until you get the desired result


6. Avocado

Avocados are rich in fatty acids, vitamins C and E, and oleic acid. All of this makes avocado an excellent natural remedy for removing skin patches on the face.

To use it, mash an avocado until it becomes smooth. Stir well with milk and honey. Apply to the area of ​​the face that has stripes. Allow it to dry then wash off with warm water.


7. Turmeric and Milk

Turmeric is one of the best home remedies to even out the skin tone on the face. It has excellent whitening and anti-bacterial properties.

Meanwhile, milk can clean, moisturize and brighten the skin from dark spots.

Mash turmeric until smooth. Apply turmeric and milk that has been mixed to the face area. Massage gently in circular motions for five minutes. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. Then clean it with warm water.


How to get rid of stripes on the face using skincare

8. AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid)

AHA (Alpha Hidroxy Acid) in skincare, an acid compound that is effective in preventing premature aging and helps remove streaks on the face and neck.

As a chemical exfoliator, AHA includes glycolic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, and ascorbic acid or what we usually call vitamin C.

These ingredients help accelerate skin regeneration and are a way to treat blemishes on the face area.


9. Niacinamide

Niacinamide has a duty to inhibit the production of melanin, the color pigment in the skin.

If your skin is sensitive, niacinamide is a safe active ingredient that can be used as a way to treat hyperpigmentation or skin patches and acne scars, or other post-inflammatory blemishes.


10. Rosehip Oil

The next way to deal with striped skin is to use rosehip oil.

Not only improves uneven skin tone, this oil is also able to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Use it every day for maximum results, especially after we exfoliate the skin.


11. Sunscreen

End your routine with sunscreen. The way to deal with striped skin is to also protect the skin from the sun. Remember, sunshine is the main factor causing premature aging, Moms.

The use of sunscreen or sunscreen is very important in protecting the skin from sun exposure.

If you don't wear sunscreen diligently, your skin will get back and cause freckles, you know!

So, those are some natural and chemical ingredients that you can use to get rid of facial stripes. These ingredients are quite easy to find and proven to be effective.

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