10 Tips for Teen Face Care, Know the Benefits!

10 Tips for Teen Face Care, Know the Benefits!

Adolescents need extra skincare. Because at this time the skin undergoes a change in the skin layer.

However, not all care products can be used for teenage skin, you know.

Quoting the Skin Health Institute, avoid using soap or toner frequently because it can dry out the skin, and can trigger acne.

The preferred facial care is to use sunscreen products in the morning.

What facial treatments do teenagers need to use? consider the following, Moms.

Teen Face Care Tips

Adolescence is a time of significant physical change. This includes the process of puberty, which is caused by an increase in hormone production that starts around the age of 11-12.

These hormones have a physical impact, as well as facial skin. Marked by increased production of oil (sebum) and acne appearing.

Quoting in the American Academy of Dermatology Association, treating acne can prevent acne from increasing around the skin area.

Without treatment, acne sometimes gets worse. When severe acne goes away, it can leave permanent acne scars.

Check out the following tips for teen facial treatments that can be followed!


1. Routine Face Cleaning

The first step in youth facial care is to be diligent in cleaning your face.

If the skin type is oily, maybe you can use a foam cleanser or gel for daily skin care.

Clean once or twice a day if the skin is very oily or feels dirty from dust.

"If a teenage girl is wearing make-up, it is best to remove eye make-up first, then wash off with a gel or foaming cleanser," says Jessica Wu, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Los Angeles.

For facial care for teens who have dry skin, try cleansers and moisturizers such as milk.


2. Mild Moisturizer

A light daily moisturizing lotion or cream can be useful as a youth facial care step.

Especially if he uses a prescription facial cream from a dermatologist.

Dermatologists recommend using a moisturizer that is labeled oil-free and non-comedogenic, which means it won't cause blackheads.

Blackheads can clog pores and cause acne breakouts. Apply a moisturizer right after applying the acne facial medication, yes.


3. Controlling Excess Oil

The next tip as a teen facial treatment is to control excess oil.

There are three basic steps to control oil,

  1. Choose a cleanser containing salicylic acid.
  2. Use an oil-free primer to control oil on your face.
  3. Wipe the oil on your face using a cotton ball.

But remember, if you are exercising, use a towel to wipe off sweat on your face. If it's too harsh, rubbing it can cause irritation and acne breakouts.


4. Using Sunscreen

Too often exposed to sunlight can

makes acne worse in some people, says the Mayo Clinic.

Sunlight can damage the skin and increase inflammation, and make the skin prone to breakouts.

This teenage facial treatment is no less important, namely using sunscreen when outside the home.

Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, and look for sunscreens that are less likely to cause skin irritation.


5. Avoid Pressing Acne

This teen facial treatment needs to be known, you know!

Never squeeze an active pimple on the face.

Besides being able to make acne worse, it can also trigger skin infections.

When squeezing a pimple, it will most likely push some of what is in it and increase inflammation.

All you have to do is not try to squeeze it and let the acne medication work.


6. Choose Suitable Hair Products

Hair products that come into contact with your face can further clog pores and cause acne to recur.

This teen facial treatment looks trivial, but can be fatal, you know!

Kids Health recommends avoiding hair care products that trigger excess oil.

Because the fluid will be affected by the area around the forehead and cause skin disorders such as oily skin, dark spots, and itching.


7. Maintain Hand Hygiene

You shouldn't miss this step for teen facial care, huh!

Maintaining hand hygiene is the main thing to avoid bacterial growth on the face. Wash hands before touching the skin area on the face or applying makeup.

Washing hands using soap is better than hand sanitizer.


8. Remove Makeup Before Bed

This is a teen facial treatment that is often overlooked. Cleaning makeup before bed is important for skin health, you know!

"Sleeping with makeup will clog the skin pores and cause acne breakouts," says Yoram Harth, MD, dermatologist and medical director of MDacne in San Francisco.

We recommend that you avoid using excessive makeup during the day, especially exposed to sunlight.

Choose make-up products that say 'noncomedogenic' and 'oil-free', "said Brantley.


9. Not Using Makeup With Other People

The next teen face care tip is not to share makeup with other people.

Sharing makeup products with other people can cause pimples on the face, you know!

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, acne is not contagious, but sharing these make-up products can trigger the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

When using makeup, it can transfer bacteria, oil, and other people's dead skin cells to our skin. This can clog the pores leading to acne breakouts.


10. Using a face mask

Moms, don't overlook teenage facial care using face masks, OK?

Face masks can disguise blemishes or black spots on the face due to acne. Choose the type of face mask with skin conditions.

For example sheet masks for dry skin, while clay masks are for skin that tends to be oily and acne-prone.

Let's find out the benefits of facial masks for teenage facial care below.


Benefits of Face Masks

The use of face masks is one way to treat teenage faces to get rid of acne scars and black spots on the skin.

What are the benefits of face masks for teenage facial care? Listen yes!


1. Improve Skin Pores

Facial masks can help achieve clearer skin and smoother pores. Facial masks can clean pores and remove residual oil on the skin.

So that facial care using face masks should not be forgotten, Moms.


2 Hydrates Skin

Face masks can also provide moisture and hydration to dry and dehydrated skin types. The water from the mask penetrates into the epidermis of the skin to soften the skin and increase its elasticity.

When the skin is well hydrated and moisturized, it can easily make makeup appear more sticky on the skin.

Also gives a better appearance to the appearance on the skin.


3. Reducing Fine Lines

Regular use of face masks can reduce signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and brown spots.

The skin will feel softer and smoother.


4. Even skin tone

Facial masks, as a youth facial care step, are also designed to reduce hyperpigmentation and even out skin tone and texture.

It also increases the secretion of the sweat glands thereby increasing the oxygen content of the skin.


5. Tighter skin

Sagging skin can make your face look older than it should be.

The problem of sagging skin can be easily treated with regular use of face masks. There are certain types of face masks that help increase collagen production and fight free radical damage.

Diligently using face masks will gradually result in firmer and fresher skin.

Apart from the benefits of facial masks for the skin mentioned above, applying a mask also helps to relax.

By applying teen facial care, this is a step to relieve stress and make skin look better.

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