You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!


You’ll Never Throw Away Pickle Juice After Reading This!

Pickle juice is highly beneficial ,it contains vinegar, garlic, onion, salt, and sugar, also can include  turmeric, cloves, celery seed, and dill.


Uses of Pickle Juice

1. Eases heartburns 

the vinegar in pickle juice supports the production of more natural antacids
balance the acidity in the body

2. Control blood sugar levels 

a small serving of vinegar before a meal helps regulate blood sugar levels

3. Dill is healthy 

dill pickle juice contains quercetin
quercetin has cholesterol-lowering properties

4. It contains antioxidants 

rich in vitamins C and E
protect the body from free radicals

5. Soothes sunburn 

pickle juice is yet another effective tool to soothe itching or stinging.

6. Relaxes the muscles 

lack of electrolytes causes muscle cramps
pickle juice is an excellent source of electrolytes
only a few spoonfuls of pickle juice diluted in water will relax the muscles almost instantly.

7. Treats sore throat 

gargling Pickle juice is same as gargling warm salt water,it balances your pH levels and destroys germs

8. Fertilizes plants 

pickle juice helps them grow and adds color to your garden as it gives them purple color.

10. Cleans copper pan 

apply some pickle juice and remove the dull color and char.

Ways to Drink Pickle Juice 

  • Mix a few ounces into water for your after workout recovery drink
  • put pickle juice to salads, egg salad, tuna salad and any other place you need acidity
  • add several tablespoons of pickle juice in your yogurt
  • add it to any marinade or use it as a salad dressing

Side Effects of Drinking Pickle Juice ,Are There ???

Pickle juice doesn’t cause side effects, but some health conditions may be worsened by it. 

  1. Avoid pickle juice if you have gout because drinking pickle juice may cause uric acid build up.
  2. Avoid pickle juice if you are on a low sodium diet because pickle juice may interfere with your medications.

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