Time To Start Eating. These 7 Foods That Fight Cancer!!!

Time To Start Eating. These 7 Foods That Fight Cancer!!!

A patient who is fighting cancer is mainly concern with the spread of cancer. The cancer cells are quick in multiplication and thus the tumors get bigger in size. The medical research people have revealed the list of 7 foods which helps to fight cancer.

It consists of the foods which slow down the growth of tumors and thus keep cancer at bay. The food list does not consist of any herbs or dishes which taste awful. Actually, it includes many ingredients which might be your favorite.

The food list includes red wine, blueberries, black chocolate, green tea, curry, and tomatoes. Some of the research work shows that this food even beat chemotherapy in terms of keeping cancer cell under control and treat cancer effectively. 

Reason Behind the Foods’ Power

  • In basic terms, these sustenances keep the supply of blood to your tumor cells. This is on account of they have a property called hostile to angiogenesis.
  • Angiogenesis is the standard procedure of making veins in our body. Amid specific stages in life, this procedure can be upgraded. For example, on account of babies, however, in grown-ups it remains “bolted” unless when vessels and tissues must be restored in wounds.
  • The activator and inhibitor particles direct angiogenesis. The inhibitors will typically prevail. Be that as it may, at whatever point vital angiogenesis activators can invigorate upgraded vascular cell advancement for shaping fresh recruits vessels.
  • This will build the supply of supplements and they will spread to various body parts (metastasis) by blood. They will require more veins thus. This will prompt tumor angiogenesis for developing.
  • It has been found that disease cells can produce angiogenesis activators (particles that betray our body and advance vein development) and supply oxygen and supplements to the tumor.
  • Our advanced medications, being utilized as angiogenesis inhibitors, when contrasted with chemotherapy, can’t assault cancer cells and stop/moderate down the improvement of veins to tumors.
  • So in what capacity would you be able to ensure yourself by counteracting tumor? You could manage angiogenesis by picking the right nourishment that keeps minor tumors from developing and spreading.


7 Foods That Fight Cancer

Tomato – As per the research was done by Harvard, people who consume tomato sauce or cooked tomato at least 4 times every month has 50% fewer chances of getting prostate cancer.

Tomato consists of high amounts of lycopene which is an anti-angiogenic dissolved in fat. It needs proper absorption process in the digestive tract. The lycopene content of tomatoes as compared to vitamin C gradually increases during the cooking process with oil in high temperature.


Turmeric – It is one of the superfoods which is very useful to melt the fat and boost the overall well-being.


Red Wine – Resveratrol is a kind of antioxidant present in the skins of grapes. It helps to reduce the chances of a heart attack. It also plays an important role to increase the lifespan. Here are some of the benefits of red wine which is proved as per the research.

  • Inhibits cancer
  • Increases lifespan
  • Kills viruses, bacteria, and fungi
  • Eliminates harmful free radicals
  • Improves cellular energy production
  • Improves physical & mental statuses
  • Increases glucose tolerance towards diabetes
  • Improves heart function
  • Improves concentration
  • Prevents cellular damage due to nuclear radiation
  • Repairs damaged DNA

A 225 ml of red wine consists of 640 mcg resveratrol. The supplements suggested to improve the antioxidants in the body is taken in 200 to 600 mcg a day. The Pinot Noir and Bordeaux red wine consist of the highest amount of polyphenol as it is proved by recent research.

More popularly coffee and green tea are termed as ‘chemotherapy’ of the food world.

The dark and rich colors of raspberries and blueberries get the rich and dark colors due to the presence of phytochemicals. This compound helps to protect your body from different types of cancer as it reduces oxidative stress and stops angiogenesis. It acts as a ‘weapon’ to fight the deadly ovarian cancer.

So, now you are aware of the ‘natural chemotherapy’. Start consuming this sweet and nice foodstuff to prevent cancer. You can also enjoy your favorite dark chocolate as it also keeps the heart healthy, fights the cancer call and boosts your mood. Eat the healthy food to keep your body well.

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