This Is The Cause And How To Treat The Buzzing Ear Next To It

This Is The Cause And How To Treat The Buzzing Ear Next To It

Ringing in the ears can be uncomfortable even if it only occurs in one ear. Therefore, know how to deal with ringing in the ears according to the cause.

Ringing in the ears can appear as a symptom of disease or a symptom of ear problems. Medically, the ear ringing condition is called tinnitus and it can occur at any age, but older people are more at risk for it.

Various Causes of Next Side Buzzing Ear

Ringing in one ear or in both ears can be caused by several things, including:

  • The presence of an ear infection
  • Eardrum disorders
  • Earwax or fluid buildup in the ear
  • Ear disorders due to Meniere's disease
  • Abnormal bone growth in the middle ear (otosclerosis)
  • The effects of using certain drugs, such as high-dose aspirin, anti-malarial drugs, certain types of antibiotics, or chemotherapy for cancer
  • Muscle tension in the inner ear
  • Head and neck injuries
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol

Because the causes vary, the way to treat ringing ears will also be different, that is, according to the underlying disease or condition.


Various Ways To Treat Ear Ringing

To ensure that the treatment is in accordance with the cause, the doctor will ask for a history of complaints and perform a physical examination, hearing tests with audiometry, and a CT scan or MRI if the damage is suspected to the ear structure.


In general, ringing in the ears can be treated with the following treatment options:

Clean the wax in the ear

This procedure is performed when wax buildup in the ear is the main cause of ringing in the ear. The doctor will clean the earwax by spraying the ear canal with warm water. Dirt can also be sucked in with a special tool.


Hearing therapy

This therapy is carried out with hearing aids which function to relieve symptoms of tinnitus. This tool will emit natural sounds such as the sound of waves in the sea, the sound of rain, and several other types of sounds to cover the hum that appears.


Taking medication

Medicines will be needed if ringing in the ears is caused by certain diseases that require treatment. For example, a doctor may prescribe medication to treat infection or inflammation if ringing in the ears is caused by it.

The doctor can also prescribe medications to relieve ringing in the ears, such as antidepressants or sedatives. However, if ringing in the ears is a side effect of the medication, the doctor may reduce the dose or change the type of medication given.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, you can also do how to deal with the hum in one ear independently, for example by listening to calming music, doing relaxation to avoid stress, or doing fun activities so you don't think about the hum that appears. on the ear.

You can also exchange information with other people with ear problems about how they can reduce buzzing or distract themselves from handling buzzing.

Ringing in the ears is a natural thing to happen. However, if this happens for a long time, even to the point of disrupting activities, it does not rule out that ringing ear complaints occur due to ear abnormalities or certain diseases.

If you experience ringing in the ears that feels bothersome, either in one ear or both ears, check with your doctor to find out the cause and how to treat one-sided ear according to that cause.

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