How To Prevent Tachycardia For Less Than 1 Minute!

How To Prevent Tachycardia For Less Than 1 Minute!

In today’s fast life filled with stress, we cannot be not frustrated. Heartbeat, tachycardia is just one of the many consequences of the stressful life that we live.

Many of us know the feeling when the heart in the chest begins to work somewhat harder than usual. We offer two simple but effective methods that can help in accelerated heartbeat.

n a sudden fall in the temperature of the human body, the heart starts beating slowly. Thus the nervous system adjusts the body to the new conditions.

The heart responds fastest when the face is cooled, because it is closer than other parts of the body. 


First way:

In a bowl pour cold water. The cooler the water, the better, so if you have ice, add it.

Hold your breath if you need to press your nose with the fingers and suddenly put the face it in cold water for a few seconds.

If you do not have an appropriate container, fill water in the hands and put the face in them. You can also massage the skin with ice cubes, especially on the forehead.


Second way:

This procedure will act on the nerve that regulates the contraction of the heart. The technique is performed as follows:

Take a deep breath and tense your abdominal muscles. Close the eyes, the nose and mouth with the thumb and forefinger.

In that position try to exhale, and continues to tense the abdominal muscles.

Do not try none of these procedures if tachycardia is associated with severe chest pain and a feeling of breathlessness. In such situations, it is best to immediately call “ambulance”!

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