The modern and busy lifestyle we face with every day doesn’t let us to have healthy diets or exercise. Instead, we’re constantly exposed to toxins and we’re stressed all the time.
Our health deteriorates and we face issues like heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, cancer etc.
We can all do something to change our unhealthy habits like drinking alcohol, smoking or poor nutrition. Instead of sitting or laying down, we can go for a walk or exercise for a while.
We can do numerous things to help us have more energy.
We can also use various homemade remedies made of natural ingredients that will supply us with lots of energy. Here, we’re going to show you a wonderful recipe that will clean your liver and improve your vision at the same time!
This mixture is composed of 3 ingredients: beet, carrot and orange. These are their amazing health benefits:
Carrot Benefits
Yes, carrots improve the health of our eyes, we have all heard this. But how?
Vitamin A (which is contained in carrots) helps the eye convert light into a signal that can be transmitted to the brain, and if we don’t get enough Vitamin A the cornea can literally disappear, according to Emily Chew, deputy clinical director at the National Eye Institute.
Beet Benefits
– Cleanses the liver
– Boosts brain function
– Loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories
– Improves circulation
– Balances blood pressure
– Boost of energy
Orange Benefits
The large amounts of vitamin A are crucial for your vision. This vitamin actually converts the light into a signal that can be sent to the brain. Different health issues can be caused if you lack vitamin A.
In order to improve your intestinal health, you should incorporate the following mixture into your daily diet:
- 1 organic beet
- 2 organic carrots
- 4 organic oranges
- Add the ingredients to the juicer.
- Serve immediately.
- The consumption of beets on a regular basis will definitely help you improve your vision, prevent colon blockages and sweep away liver fat.
This incredible mixture will help you burn liver fats as well as to prevent blockages in the colon.