All About Fordyce Spots, Causes and Natural Treatments

All About Fordyce Spots, Causes and Natural Treatments

Fordyce spots, though harmless, can be a cause of concern for many individuals due to their appearance. These small, raised bumps often appear on the skin, especially in sensitive areas like the genitals or lips. While they are not a sign of any underlying health issues, understanding their causes and exploring natural treatment options can provide relief and peace of mind for those affected.


What Are Fordyce Spots? 

Fordyce spots, named after the dermatologist John Addison Fordyce who first described them, are small, painless bumps that can appear on the skin. They are a type of ectopic sebaceous gland, which means they are glands that are not located where they typically should be. These spots are typically yellow-white or pale red in color and can vary in size from pinpoint to a few millimeters in diameter.


Causes of Fordyce Spots: 

The exact cause of Fordyce spots is not fully understood, but they are believed to be related to the overgrowth of sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are responsible for producing sebum, an oily substance that helps lubricate the skin and hair. When these glands become enlarged or overactive, they can appear as Fordyce spots on the skin.

Fordyce spots are considered a normal variation of the skin and are not associated with any underlying medical conditions. They can occur in both men and women and are more common in adults than in children or adolescents.


Natural Treatments for Fordyce Spots:

What to eat to prevent or treat: By including a lot of garlic in your diet you are helping heal the infection, since this food is full of antioxidants. A diet loaded with fruits, especially berries and vegetables high in B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, D, E and K, like kale and broccoli, will restore a healthy appearance to your skin. The use of natural oils like Argania and Jojoba oil, contain Tocopherol extract which is also beneficial, by applying these oil types to the affected skin it will reduce the appearance of these spots.

Personal hygiene: it is important to try and be as clean as you can, since it helps to avoid infections and prevents the condition from getting worse or spread. 


Chemical remedies:

Electrodessication: a process in which specialists apply a high-frequency electric current to the affected area, this works by dehydrating the bumps.
Tretonin: this is a gel or cream that helps the affected skin, the combination of this with a chemical called alpha-hydroxy acid gives better and faster results, it reduces and can eliminate the bumps. Drawbacks of this solution are that it might leave a scar depending on the patient’s skin type. 



Fordyce spots are a common and harmless skin condition that can appear on various parts of the body. While they do not pose any health risks, they can cause concern due to their appearance. Understanding the causes of Fordyce spots and exploring natural treatment options can help individuals manage their symptoms and feel more confident in their skin. If Fordyce spots are causing significant distress or discomfort, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist for further evaluation and treatment options.

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