6 Home Remedies To Soothe Dry & Cracked Lips

6 Home Remedies To Soothe Dry & Cracked Lips

Chapped lips don’t look good and healthy and they are certainly not the most kissable ones. The skin on your lips is 4 times thinner than any other skin on your body and therefore is most prone to damage.

Battling dry lips can be painful and difficult and that is why you need to read this and take care of your lips not only during the winter but during the whole year because dry lips can be caused not only by wind and cold but dehydration and too much sun exposure and not enough protection. Here are the ten tips to keep your beautiful lips plump and healthy.

Vitamins Intake

Vitamin deficiency can cause choppy lips, and you won’t even know it.  Green vegetables such as spinach, green beans and collard greens are fantastic sources of niacin, and riboflavin. If you have a hard time eating vegetables then take a multivitamin pill.

Drink Water

We know you have heard this a thousand times and it should be number one on your priority list. Drinking water is one of the best ways to moist your lips. For the health of your whole body drink approximately 9 glasses of water a day.



Dead skin cells can pile up and you need to get them off. After brushing your teeth, take care of your lips by gently scrubbing them on the surface. You can use a separate tooth brush for this use only. Another alternative is rubbing your lips with sugar.


Breathe Through Your Nose

If you constantly blow and inhale air from your mouth it will dry the moist and they will eventually get choppy. Plus, inhaling from your nose is healthier because the hair from the nose traps particles and bacteria. Let breathing through your nose become a habit.


Use Protection Outside

After applying lip balm before you go anywhere outside of your home, wear something to cover your mouth area like a scarf to protect your lips from abusive weather and the sun

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