This Miracle Combo Can Cure 10 Serious Health Conditions

This Miracle Combo Can Cure 10 Serious Health Conditions

Whether you watch the pharmaceutical ads on television and have osteoporosis, acid reflux, or trouble controlling your weight, it seems like there is probably a magic pill to solve your issue. But hold on! This brings us to the required list of adverse effects, which includes heart palpitations, vomiting, diarrhea, liver issues, and even death. You tell yourself that you would rather deal with your sore hip or twenty extra pounds than go through any of the treatment's side effects.

Over 100,000 people die every year from prescription drugs alone, which is more than die from illegal drug use. That does not take into account all the damage we are doing with over the counter medications.

Fortunately, nature does provide treatments and sometimes even cures for many of our common ailments. Two superfoods that individually have healing problems and are made even more powerful through the synergy of combining them are sesame seeds and raw honey.

Properties of sesame seeds:

The unassuming little sesame seed, it is not just for hamburger buns anymore. Sesame seeds were used in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago for their medicinal properties. Today nutritionist and scientists have rediscovered the importance of this little seed. Check out what you will find in each 100 grams that make this little seed such a terrific addition to your diet:

• Protein- 22.2 grams- produces antibodies and digestive enzymes
• 21.9grams mono-saturated fat- 62mg calcium- protects bones and teeth
• 340mg magnesium- helps with muscles, nerves, and anxiety
• 24.4 grams Omega 6- produces linoleic acid, assisting with growth and reproduction

Properties of honey:

Honey has been consumed for its immunity building and healing properties since the time of Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) Particularly raw, local honey is what will yield the most benefits. Take a look at some of the scientifically proven health advantages of honey.

• Anti-bacterial- fights bacterial illness
• Fights infection- used in healing wounds
• Repairs intestinal mucosa- helps repair stomach ulcers
• Aids in enzymatic production- helps with the production of hydrogen peroxide
• Anti-inflammatory properties


10 Conditions alleviated by sesame seeds and honey:

• Diabetes
• Ulcers and acid reflux
• Allergies
• Muscular disorders
• Osteoporosis
• Mental health issues- anxiety and depression
• Obesity
• Weakened immune system
• Skin disorders and infections
• High cholesterol and hypertension


Easy recipe

Many recipes incorporate the benefits of both sesame seeds and raw honey. Here is one that is easy and delicious. It is a modern take on a Greek classic. The fantastic thing about this snack is that the synergy of the sesame seeds and honey give you valuable vitamins and minerals which will give you physical and mental energy, fight depression and anxiety, and even help control your blood pressure. Not too many salty snacks or candy bars can make that claim!


Pasteli- Greek Honey Sesame Bars


  • One cup sesame seeds
  • 1/3 cup pistachios – shelled and chopped
  • ¾ cup raw honey
  • One inch lemon peel
  • One teaspoon lemon juice


  1. Brown sesame seeds in a frying pan over medium heat.
  2. Remove from pan and store on plate- do not let the seeds get too dark.
  3. Add honey, lemon juice, and lemon peel to saucepan and heat until simmering while stirring the mixture constantly – about 5 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and add the sesame seeds and pistachios.
  5. Mix well but do not beat.
  6. Flatten into a 9×13 baking pan that is lined with parchment paper- you will want to use a spatula that has olive oil on it to flatten the mixture.
  7. Cool in fridge for at least 20 minutes.
  8. Cut into bars and enjoy- this recipe should make about 12 servings.


This recipe is just one way to enjoy the healing properties of sesame seeds and raw honey. Both raw honey and sesame seeds are considered nearly 100% safe. However, honey should never be given to a baby under the age of one year. There are some individuals with allergies to pollens who may be allergic to honey. Sesame seeds can cause constipation or even colon obstructions if eaten in excess. Enjoy finding ways to incorporate these nutritious foods into your diet.


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