The Most Tried-and-True Recipe for Chronic Pain, High Cholesterol and Cancer Prevention

The Most Tried-and-True Recipe for Chronic Pain, High Cholesterol and Cancer Prevention

Ginger is a native plant of Southeast Asia with an unparalleled history as one of the world's oldest medicinal spices. Ginger, which was highly valued and traded by ancient societies, is now used in many contemporary dishes, beverages, tonics, and supplements. Traditionally, ginger has been used to treat intestinal distress, chronic pain, unstable blood sugar levels, and chronic pain by soothing the intestinal tract. Since then, more research has been conducted on the medicinal benefits of ginger, highlighting the plant's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Often classified as a folk medicine, ginger has been clinically proven to relieve sore muscles and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as chronic pain. Ginger can also be consumed to prevent or relieve cold and flu symptoms, and has further been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol.

An especially promising benefit of ginger has been shown in recent research producing evidence that ginger can be up to 10,000 times more potent at fighting cancer than chemotherapy treatments.

With so many healing qualities, you may be wondering how you can prepare ginger to ensure optimal results. Below is the most tried-and-true recipe for a deliciously therapeutic ginger beverage.

First, you will need:

  • 200 grams peeled and finely chopped ginger
  • Sliced lemon wedges
  • 450 ml filtered water
  • A few drops of lime juice
  • 225 grams of raw or cane sugar
  • 115 ml sparkling water

Boil the filtered water and add the chopped ginger, gradually reducing the heat and continuing to simmer for an additional 5 minutes. Let the ginger juice cool for about 20 minutes.


In a separate bowl mix half a cup of the ginger juice with 1/3 cup of syrup, followed by half a cup of sparkling water. Add the lime juice and raw honey for sweetness and mix well. Garnish with lemon slices and enjoy!


Additional Tips:
According, you can store fresh unpeeled ginger in the refrigerator for up to three weeks, or in the freezer where it will keep for up to six months.

By consuming ginger in beverages such as the one listed above, you can help relieve a number of aches and discomforts associated with:

*Pain and inflammation
*Inadequate circulation
*The common cold or flu
*Intestinal tract irritation
*High cholesterol
*Unstable blood sugar levels

Ginger has long been used to treat a number of ailments and discomforts, from upset stomachs to rheumatoid arthritis, with Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society noting that “Ginger presents virtually no side effects and has been used as a food product by many cultures for countless centuries.”

Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve daily soreness and muscle pain, with some studies even going so far as to claim that ginger can effectively reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Ginger has additionally been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, as well as reduce the risk of heart disease, particularly in those with type 2 diabetes. Incorporating ginger into your daily diet may just be the magic cure-all you’ve been waiting for.

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