A Single Remedy for Common Body Pains

A Single Remedy for Common Body Pains

The frequency with which people take prescription medications and painkillers is a good measure of the variety of bodily aches they encounter. Certain things happen naturally, like the effects of aging or trauma. While the remainder are the result of unhealthy habits like improper sleeping and sitting positions, some suffer from chronic illnesses. Drugs reduce physical discomfort, but only temporarily, so additional painkillers are required. Natural pain relievers are more effective, durable, and have fewer adverse effects.


Common body pains

There are certain body  pains that most people will complain of at any drug store. Some are symptoms of other diseases while others occur on their own.


• Lower back
Lower back pain is common especially in expectant women and people suffering from arthritis. At times, it is caused by exerting too much pressure on the spinal cord through heavy lifting.


• Knees
The knees carry a lot of the body weight. Being overweight contributes significantly to knee pain. In most ladies, knee pain is a result of uncomfortable shoes. They wear very high heels which cannot hold their weight. Wear and tear on the knee joints also causes pain in cases of arthritis.


• Joints
The cold season is particularly nerve wracking for arthritis patients. Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause the inflammation and swelling. It is the leading cause of joint pain in the USA.


• Shoulder and neck pain
The shoulders connect with many ligaments and tendons which are involved in upper body movement. The strain on any of the muscles will cause pain in the shoulders. The neck directly connects to the shoulders. A particular strain on the neck muscle will cause pain which moves to the shoulders. Most people refer to pain in the neck as a stiff neck. It may be a result of a bad sleeping posture or the wrong mattress.


• Head pain
Headaches are frequent pains, especially for the working class. They spend a lot of time on computers with very bright light. Long hours on the screen combined with the wrong sitting posture will result in head and neck pain. The younger generation spends too many hours either watching movies or playing video games. In case the TV is not on an eye level, the strain to compensate may cause neck pain.

Natural pain remedy

There is a natural remedy which can take the pain away after a few days. Continuous use of the treatment will ensure the pain is not recurrent.

The ingredients for the remedy are:

  • 1 dried figs
  • 1 dried apricot
  • 5 prunes.

Clean them thoroughly then blend to make a smoothie or simply eat them before you go to bed. The remedy should be used every day for about two months to completely heal the cause of the pain. You can make lots of the solution and store in a refrigerator. Alternatively, you can buy enough fruits at the farmers market to last a week. Replenish the fruits after every week until the two months of treatment are over. As a working mother, organizing your time is crucial. Whichever method you chose to store the remedy, they will both be time effective.

The fruits contain elements that cause the regeneration of cells in places of wear and tear. It stops the inflammation and pain once the cells start growing. Some people are allergic to apricots. In such cases, the remedy can be made using just the prunes and figs. To improve the taste of the smoothie, add blackberries. They have elements that get rid of inflammation. The sweet flavor they add to the smoothie will encourage young children to drink the smoothie as treatment.

It is important to get to the cause of any pain in the body. Identifying the cause goes a long way in finding a working solution. Take for instance pain resulting from muscle strain. It will persist if activities causing strain do not stop. In case the pain becomes unbearable and lasts for more than two months, it may be time to seek a doctor’s opinion.

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