9 Hidden And Dangerous Signs Of High Blood Pressure That Everyone Ignores

9 Hidden And Dangerous Signs Of High Blood Pressure That Everyone Ignores

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimate that over 70 million Americans experience hypertension, or elevated blood pressure. One out of every three is that. The fact that nearly the same amount is regarded as pre-hypertensive is even more concerning. 20% of Americans are thought to be unaware that they have high blood pressure, and only 52% of those who have the illness are under control.

The greatest challenge for identifying high blood pressure is many of the symptoms can easily be attributed to something else. For example, could that shortness of breath just mean you’re out of shape? Could that feeling of being tired simply mean you’ve been putting in more hours at the office than normal? In fact, the symptoms for high pressure can seem so mild even your doctor can miss them.


So what is blood pressure? Really, it’s just a number. It’s the measurement used by doctors to gauge the pressure of blood against the arterial walls as it travels from your heart to other parts of your body. When things are running smoothly, your blood pressure should be 120/80 (120 is the systolic number; 80 is the diastolic number).


High blood pressure becomes more than just a number when you realize that over 1000 people die every day from it, or it’s by-products: cardiovascular disease and stroke.


It’s not uncommon to have an increase in those numbers when you are exercising, change posture, sleep or are experiencing some stress. The problem arises when that reading stays at above-normal ranges. A single high reading doesn’t mean automatic high blood pressure. However, if you experience a higher than normal reading your doctor may monitor the reading over time before making a health assessment.

Now you know what it is, what are the often ignored warnings signs?


Uncommon Signs of High Blood Pressure

Nosebleeds: A change in your blood pressure could spark a nosebleed. If you experience an increase in how often you get them or begin having them, consider a check of your blood pressure.

Headaches: Now, how easy would it be to miss this common ache as a sign of high blood pressure? It seems the only way to avoid a headache would be to live in a Zen-like bubble. Be aware of how often you experience pain. Jot it down in your journal along with a note about foods you ate or activities you experienced to help narrow down a possible cause.


Dizziness: That sensation of a spinning room may be more than vertigo or a wild night of partying. A lack of oxygen to the brain often causes you to feel off balance.


Housework Fatigue: It’s easy to blow off a day of housecleaning because you feel exhausted. However, if this once easy task suddenly makes you short of breath, take note.


Brain Fog: After a full day, it can be harder to process your thoughts. As you age, you may believe that slower brain function is just “normal.” However, this slowdown could be a sign of high blood pressure.


Blue Feet: When your oxygen-rich blood becomes less oxygenated due to disruption to a healthy blood pressure, your feet make take on a blueish color.


Edema or Swollen Feet: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) is an extreme by- a product of high blood pressure. Swelling of your feet, legs and ankles could be the result of improperly functioning kidneys. Fluid retention is more likely the longer you have PAH.

Hostility: Is it possible your road rage is caused by high pressure rather than the other way around? In a world where it’s so easy to get angry at something, be aware that your feelings of hostility may have a health-related cause (rather than a people-related cause!)

Depression: This is an easy one to miss because every now and then, we all get the blues. But when your depression lasts longer than what’s healthy, checking in with your blood pressure may be just as good, if not better, than checking in with your therapist.


What’s the Solution?

The good news is healthy blood pressure is in your control. While you should always work with your doctor for the best treatment for you, understand that you can use natural alternatives and delicious food to eat your way healthily.

Massage Therapy: Studies reveal that massage therapy is effective in reducing diastolic pressure and the symptoms associated with hypertension. This ability to relieve stress is a healthy, drug-free way to keep your blood pressure in check.

Fish Oil: Omega 3 Fatty acids, found in fatty fish such as salmon, are known to reduce inflammation. We are learning more and more about whole body inflammation and its negative effects on the body. Many believe it’s a contributing factor for many chronic health conditions.

DASH Diet: A “diet” is not only about losing weight; it’s a way of eating. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) is a lifestyle approach to blood pressure. One study revealed that a combination of DASH, weight loss, and exercise resulted in the greatest improvement in blood pressure.


You have control of your blood pressure. Thousands of people are discovering how what they eat and how they live can result in positive health benefits. You don’t have to be a slave to prescription drugs, or settle for a life of pain, fatigue, or general feelings of “blah.

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