Lose 4 Inch Off Your Waistline With This Cucumber Drink

Lose 4 Inch Off Your Waistline With This Cucumber Drink

Every woman wants a wasp waist, in record time if possible. Well, this recipe promises to reduce 4 inch off your waistline.

This diet should be followed for 4 days and you have to stay away from temptations like eating fast food, alcohol and sweets and you should consume only healthy food.



  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Teaspoon of powdered ginger
  • 12 Mint leaves
  • 2 Liters of water


How to prepare:

- Cut the cucumber and lemon into slices. Pour the water in a bowl then add all the other ingredients. Mix well and leave the drink in the fridge overnight. Strain the mixture the next day. Eat only the liquid part throughout the day.

- After the 4 days you can eat whatever you want, but it’s important not to overdo the eating.


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