How to Lose Abdominal Fat Fast With Eggplant Water

How to Lose Abdominal Fat Fast With Eggplant Water

Eggplant is a special vegetable! It has countless uses in the household, but also has a number of uses in medicine.

In the past, people avoided the eggplant because of its dark color which was considered toxic. Eventually, the eggplant was used in everyday diet of many people around the world who have discovered it wasn’t toxic, but extremely healthy.

Eggplant Water Recipe


  • 1 medium-sized eggplant
  • 1 liter of water
  • Juice squeezed from half a lemon


How to prepare:

  1. Wash the eggplant thoroughly and cut it into small pieces. Boil the water and carefully add the eggplant pieces. Cook on low heat and let it boil so for 25 minutes or until you notice that the eggplant pieces begin to soften. Take the pan off the heat and let it sit so for an hour.
  2. Strain the liquid and remove the eggplant pieces. Add the lemon juice and mix well. Store the mixture in a dark color jar.


How to drink:

  1. You can drink the eggplant water several times a day. The first cup should be consumed before breakfast, the second one after lunch, the third one at noon, and the fourth one before dinner.
  2. Try this treatment seven days in a row, once or twice a month.

Remember that the eggplant water helps you lose weight, but it must be complementary to a diet rich in daily needed nutrients and minerals.

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