How to Get a Small Waist in 2 Weeks

How to Get a Small Waist in 2 Weeks

You feel better about yourself and your health when your waist is smaller. Your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks increases if you have excess fat around your waist. Constant crunches and situps tone the muscles in your stomach, but they don't lower the layer of fat covering them. You need to lose body fat overall in order to get a smaller waist. Modify your exercise regimen to reap the greatest benefits if you want to see results in as little as two weeks.

Step 1:

Eliminate stress from your life. Learn breathing and relaxation techniques. Avoid taking on more responsibility than you can handle. Prioritize tasks and take time out to have fun. When you are under a lot of stress, your body releases cortisol. This stress hormone triggers cravings that are hard to control. The fat you gain from these cravings settles in your waistline, within easy access of your liver, which can use it for energy when needed.


Step 2:  

Reduce your daily caloric intake. One pound equals approximately 3,500 calories. Consume 500 calories less per day to burn this in one week. Consume 1,000 calories less per day to lose 2 pounds. Use a combination of diet and exercise to reach your caloric deficit.


Step 3:  

Make healthier food choices to help reduce calories. Choose low-fat dairy over full-fat dairy. Eat lean protein such as chicken and fish instead of pork and beef, which have more fat. Skip simple carbohydrates and eat complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice and whole wheat pasta. Use plant oils, such as olive oil and canola oil. Avoid trans fats and saturated fats, which are present in bakes goods and fried foods.


Step 4:  

Combine high-intensity interval training with regular cardiovascular exercise. Perform same-intensity cardio -- such as jogging, swimming or biking -- two days a week, for 30 minutes per day. Perform intervals on three days of the week. Jog at a moderate pace for two minutes before accelerating to a sprint for one minute. Go back and forth between intensities for 30 minutes. Increase the length of your interval bursts as you get stronger. Interval training is harder on your body and therefore burns more calories.


Step 5:

Include the plank exercise in your abdominal strength-training routine. Come down on all fours. Lower onto your forearms and stretch out your legs behind you. Balance on the balls of your feet. Contract all your muscles including your abdominal muscles. Form a plank with your body that is parallel to the floor. Hold this position as long as you can. Aim to hold it for one minute. Perform the exercise three times.


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