DIY Lavender Lemonade for Anxiety and Headaches

DIY Lavender Lemonade for Anxiety and Headaches

Anxiety and headaches are widespread issues that affect millions of people. Many adverse effects are associated with the harsh pharmacological treatments used today to treat these conditions. A lot of people are looking for safe, all-natural solutions to treat these common illnesses. Though this little flower has many uses, most people only associate lavender with potpourri and perfume. Lavender has long been used medicinally by people to treat a variety of conditions, such as anxiety and headaches.

There's more to lavender than just a lovely smell. Numerous health benefits of lavender have been demonstrated in scientific research, including its antimicrobial, antifungal, antidepressant, sedative, and detoxifying properties. This powerful flower has been used to heal wounds, age, depression, and sleeplessness, among other ailments.

According to a recent study, people who have migraines can reduce their symptoms by inhaling lavender essential oil as soon as they start to feel headachey. According to a different study, three minutes of lavender scenting reduced anxiety levels and enhanced mood and problem-solving skills.

Lavender aromatherapy is commonly used with other pain therapies, to relax patients and reduce the need for conventional pain medications. The pleasant smell of lavender is soothing and correlated with changes in the brain that produce content, tranquil state.

Lavender is wonderful for culinary use and adds a lovely floral flavor to foods and drinks. From the kitchen to the medicine cabinet, lavender also has a history of oral use to treat anxiety and depression. Several studies have shown that lavender performs as well as many commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals to decrease anxiety symptoms. Researchers have demonstrated that lavender reduces symptoms of mild depression in clinical trials, and makes depression medications more effective.

Lavender has a long history of improving human health and wellbeing. Enjoy this wonderful flower’s scent, flavor, and relaxing properties in this delicious lavender lemonade.


  • 1 cup raw honey
  • 5 cups pure water
  • 1/4 cup dried lavender or 1 drop lavender essential oil
  • 5 lemons, peeled and juiced.


How to make

1. Pour 1/2 the water in a pan, bring to boil and remove from heat

2. Add honey and dried lavender let steep for 15- 20 minutes.

3. Strain mixture and pour it into a larger container.

4. Add lemon juice and the remaining water. Stir well.

5. Ready to drink.

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