5 Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds Including Heart Health, Weight Loss and More

5 Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds Including Heart Health, Weight Loss and More

Hemp Seeds. Superfoods are what they are. Forget quinoa—they have everything a person could ask for in a seed. In addition to providing twenty amino acids—including the nine that our bodies are unable to produce—and all the good fat you could possibly desire, hemp seeds are a complete protein source. good fat. It's delicious, and it exists. all of the vitamin E, too!

Bonus. You can’t be allergic to hemp seeds. Well, okay, not that you can’t – but there are no known records of hemp seed allergies.

Health Benefits

Improve Digestion: Yep. Good for the rumbly tummy. Lots of fiber, plus all those proteins keep you fuller longer, which leads us to our next benefit…

Weight Loss: They keep you fuller longer, so you don’t need to snack. And people who eat them claim that hemp seeds help control cravings, saying that because they’re less hungry, they eat less unhealthy starch and carbohydrates.

Increased Energy: Because you’re getting all those healthy nutrients, proteins, amino acids, and vitamins, your energy is going to go through the roof. With all that extra energy you’ll have more fun playing with your dog… or your lover.

Healthy Cholesterol: Lose weight and gain energy with the added benefit of being healthy? When most people lose weight, they look at a number on a scale, without thinking about whether they’re being healthy on the inside. Here’s a great way to drop pounds and do it the healthy way.

Control Blood Sugar: By bringing high quality lean-protein into your diet you lower your blood sugar. How? Eating lean protein releases glucagon, which is the bouncer at the party of your blood sugar – preventing things from getting too rowdy.


So How Do You Eat Hemp Seeds?

First, get hulled hemp seeds (called ‘hemp hearts’). Like sunflower seed hulls, the only benefit to eating a hemp seed hull is the additional fiber, but you have to chew it down so you can digest it properly. So you can skip the hull.

Hemp seeds are actually pretty easy to incorporate into your diet. You can drop five heaping tablespoons into a smoothie, toss them on top of a salad, sneak them into your baking, or make them part of your granola snacks.

There are also toasted varieties, which you can make at home or buy in-store.

– To toast hemp seeds for casual snacking spread them out on parchment paper on a cookie sheet and send them into the oven for about half an hour at 350°, checking around 20 minutes. You can smell them when they’re toasted. (For an extra tasty, small salt fix, toss them in a teaspoon of your preferred oil and put a smidge of sea salt in with them. This trick also works with pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.



A milk from hemp seeds can be used in a smoothie base, or your morning coffee, or to boost the flavour of your morning steel cut oats. Here are some options for using the milk in recipes.


Detox Tea


  • 1/2 tsp ginger
  • 1/2 tsp cloves
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/6 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of milk (coconut, almond, hemp or raw milk)
  • Pinch of cardamom
  • Add natural honey to taste

Steps: Mix spices well.

Add cup of boiling water and stir.

Add the hemp milk.

Black Rice Pudding (I LOVE rice pudding. This is a healthy version to prevent you from binging when you’re craving a sweet)



  • 1½ cup water
  • 1/2 cup ground black rice
  • 2 cups hemp milk (or a nut milk)
  • 1/3 cup raw honey (more if you have a sweet tooth)
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1/2 cup shredded coconut



Bring water and ground rice to boil in medium saucepan, cover and simmer at low heat for 8-10 minute until most of water is absorbed.

Add milk, honey and vanilla. Cover and bring to boil. Cook on low heat 35 to 45 min. or until thickened, stirring occasionally.

Remove from heat; stir in coconut flakes well blended. Pour into glass dish. Garnish with coconut flakes. Let it cool slightly and nom it warm during winter. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until chilled during summer.






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