3 Days Detox Program To Keep Your Lungs Healthy And Strong

3 Days Detox Program To Keep Your Lungs Healthy And Strong

Detoxing and cleansing are an important part to keeping a healthy body. Whether you smoke, live with a smoker or just need a boost then this is the plan for you.

You will need to eliminate all dairy from your diet 2-3 days before cleansing. The dairy can interfere with the detoxification process as it digests slowly into the body.


Here is what you do:

Day One

On the first day of the detox, drink a cup of your favorite herbal tea before it is time to go to bed. This will help to eliminate all the toxins in your intestines, and prevent constipation. The lungs should not be overburdened with locks on any other part of the body.


Day Two

In the morning of the second day, right before breakfast, drink a glass of room temperature water with lemon. The ratio should be 300ml of water to 2 Lemons.

Directly after drink 300ml of grapefruit juice.

The fruit juices are filled with antioxidants that will help your respiratory system to function better.

Then, 2-3 hours later have 300ml of carrot juice, between breakfast and lunch. The carrot juice helps to alkalize your blood, which is necessary for just a three-day regime.

With your lunch drink 400ml of juice rich in potassium. Potassium is a powerful agent which acts as a tonic when ingested. The combination should be Carrot, spinach, celery, and parsley.


Day Three

Drink 300ml of 100% cranberry juice directly before bed, this helps to reduce the number of bacteria in the lungs.

It is important to take a hot bath every day during the detox. It is important to lose toxins through sweating as much as possible.


Avoid Caffeine




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