3 Beauty Benefits of Pomegranate

3 Beauty Benefits of Pomegranate

Pomegranate or botanical name Punica Granatum (from medieval Latin pomum ‘apple’ and granatum ‘seed’), additionally a fruit-bearing shrub or small tree that grows between 5 and 8 meters (16-26 ft ) tall. A seasonal fruit from September to February within the Northern Hemisphere, whereas from March to May within the Southern Hemisphere, however naturally it originated from Himalayas and Egypt.

This fruit can also be regularly used within the kitchen as garnishes, smoothies, juice blends, in baking, or included meals. Additionally it is used in alcoholic drinks for wines and cocktails.

Listed here are a few of the three predominant beauty and healthy advantages and benefits that we can obtain by eating or drinking pomegranate fruit, seeds and juice.

1. Makes our Eyes Healthy

Like bilberry, pomegranate juice contains substance used in treating cataracts as eyedrop. It slows the development of eye cataracts.


2. Protection of the Pores and skin

Its seeds served in 100g, provide Vitamin C, Vitamin K and also contains polyphenols, ellagitannis and flavonoids, which are great source of dietary fiber. Due to its antioxidant properties, it’s good for our system. Additionally it makes our pores and skin youthful looking and provides moisturizing effects.

In medicine pomegranate is also considered as a blood builder, helps fight cancer, improves our bone and our digestive function. It increases appetite and helps increase hemoglobin thus preventing anemia. It is usually used in treating nose bleeds and bleeding gums.

Clinical research stated that its juice is used in lowering the risk of coronary heart diseases. Its daily consumption also inhibit viral infections and different bacterial infections that caused dental plaque.


3. A Natural Agent for Cosmetic Products

It’s used since ancient Ayurveda system, which means traditional medicine as toner for the pores and skin. Added with mustard oil, it helps in firming-up sagging breasts and treating hemorrhoids.

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