The Best Natural Way To Clear Your Lungs Of Nicotine and Tar

The Best Natural Way To Clear Your Lungs Of Nicotine and Tar

Your lungs fill with tar and nicotine when you smoke. It is common knowledge that individuals who smoke cigarettes run the risk of developing heart disease, COPD, lung cancer, and many other health issues. This is the reason smoking is discouraged.

Whether you smoke regularly or have just stopped, there are a few things you can do to help heal the damage your lungs have sustained.

The first step if you are currently a smoker is to quit smoking as soon as possible. It is best to try to quit smoking as soon as possible as the way nicotine and tobacco smoke affect the lungs can be irreversible if you continue to smoke.

Natural Ways to Clear your Lungs of Nicotine

Even if you do not quit smoking, there are several things that you can do in order to help naturally clear your lungs of the nicotine and tar that are caused by smoking.

Consuming fresh organic corn can help protect you from lung cancer. Corn contains beta kryptoxanthin. This is a powerful antioxidant that is thought to help reduce the risk of lung cancer. Another food that contains kryptoxanthinis oranges.

Another powerful antioxidant that can help clear your lungs is selenium. Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. Grains also have selenium in them.

Onions are another great food for helping cleanse the lungs. Onions can help prevent many diseases including infections of the lung. For those who have been diagnosed with cancer, onions can help prevent new cells from growing.

One of the most powerful antioxidants is ginger. Adding ginger to your diet can have many positive health benefits. Ginger provides a strong tool for releasing toxins that are in the lungs. Consuming tea made from the ginger root can help facilitate easier breathing.

Nettles are full of iron and also useful for disinfecting the lungs. Nettles can also be used to help fight off infections. Making a tea from pine needles is another natural way to help fight against lung cancer as well as other diseases of the lungs.

Drinking grapefruit juice can help improve your breathing system and drinking carrot juicecan help purify your body as well.


Other Natural Ways to Clear Your Lungs

One of the other ways that you can strengthen your lungs is to do breathing exercises regularly. Just as you would do exercises to strengthen your other muscles, you can do deep breathing exercises as a way to strengthen your lungs.

At least once a day take the time to find a quiet space and simply take a few simple breaths. Focus on breathing in as deep as you can and exhaling slowly.

While quitting smoking is the best thing that you can do for your lungs, quitting is hard. There are many different steps that you can take to quit smoking, but if you are not ready just yet make sure that you are taking the above steps to help detoxify your lungs regularly.

We give you a super effective remedy that will cleanse your lungs. The best thing about it is that you need 3 simple ingredients.



  • 400 g onion
  • 2 tsp turmeric
  • ginger root (an inch piece)
  • 1l water
  • 400 g sugar or honey



Boil the water and your sweet ingredient. If you use honey, make sure you add it at the end.

Chop your onions and grate the ginger root. Add both ingredients to the liquid.

Once the mixture boils again, stir in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder and reduce the heat to low.

Simmer the liquid until it reduces by half. Take the pot off the heat, strain your remedy and transfer the content into a jar. Let it cool completely. Keep the jar in your fridge.

Take your remedy twice a day – in the morning, before you eat or drink anything, and after your late-night snack or dinner. Take 2 tablespoons each time.

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