SUPER BERRY – It Grows Everywhere and It Treats Tumor and Diabetes

SUPER BERRY – It Grows Everywhere and It Treats Tumor and Diabetes

It was only recently discovered by foreign researchers that white mulberries are super herbs. Our ancestors knew these berries had therapeutic qualities even before science studied them. White mulberry lowers cholesterol, lowers the risk of diabetes, guards against heart disease, and aids in weight loss.

Half as much sugar is present in dried mulberries as in other berries, such as raisins. Mulberry leaf contains additives that help normalize blood sugar levels, according to a survey.

It is also used as a folk remedy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. White mulberry is rich in fiber for diet. 20% of our daily requirements of fiber can be satisfied with a quantity of one third of a cup of mulberry.

Regular use of these berries will reduce cholesterol and improve the digestive system. It is also rich with antioxidants.

According to a research at the University of Texas, white mulberry contains resveratrol, which is a natural phenol. It is useful in the fight against many types of cancer and heart diseases.

Other health benefits of white mulberry:

1. Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidants help lessen the damage caused by free radicals and the entire mulberry plant- leaves, stems, and fruit, contains antioxidants.


2. Immune System Support

Mulberries contain alkaloids that activate macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells that stimulate the immune system, putting it on high active alert against health threats.


3. Supports Healthy Blood Sugar

More formal research is appropriate, but mulberry is thought to contain compounds that support balanced blood sugar levels.


4. Healthy Food

Dried mulberries are a great source of protein, vitamin C and K, fiber, and iron. Best of all, they’re available in health food stores everywhere!


5. Brain Protection

Do mulberries offer anything to the brain? Researchers at Khon Kaen University in Thailand set out to answer that question by evaluating the effect of mulberry on male rats with memory impairment and brain damage. Although further investigation is required before mulberries can be declared a cognitive enhancer and neuroprotectant, rats that consumed mulberries had better memories and less oxidative stress.


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