Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables and Fruits

Simple Trick Removes Pesticides from Your Vegetables and Fruits

Have you ever wondered the power of vinegar from your salads and foods beyond? If not, then I certainly have an audience for my article.

Fruits and vegetables have long been known to add healthy years to your life. But what if these too come wrapped up in harmful chemicals and pests? Would these still be the same health delivering edibles? The solution to this aggravating problem can be easily obtained through that slim bottle placed in your kitchen cabinet containing the transparent liquid. Yes, surprisingly vinegar contains the power of pesticides and can be used to clean up your fruits and veggies so that your health is not compromised in any way. The best part of this is that this pesticide is affordable, with a not-so-pungent smell and is easily available in the market. And the cherry on top of the cake is that it is not even brand limited. Any type of vinegar can act as a pesticide!

According to Dr. Gayle Povies Alleman, MS. RD., if fruits are soaked in a solution containing 10% vinegar and 90% water then it will certainly combat all kinds of pests and bacteria. However, the only precaution while using this trick is to use only those fruits that have non-porous skin like apples, oranges, squash etc. so as to avoid the changes in the taste of the fruits and vegetables.

So what’s the Wait? If this method promises to deliver clean fruits and that too with the original taste and smell then we are still winning the race of adding healthy years to our good life!

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