Never Wake Up Tired Again With This 2-Ingredient Sleep Recipe

Never Wake Up Tired Again With This 2-Ingredient Sleep Recipe

Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is essential for maintaining optimal health and functioning throughout the day. All things considered, it appears that modern life has left time for everything but sleep. The average amount of sleep that men and women get each night has dropped from 7-8 to 6-7 hours.

The body needs time to rest, recover and recharge in order to keep up with the daily routines and work. We may not need too much sleep, but lack of it makes an enormous difference to the body. It is not that it will only make you feel weary and foggy the next day, but it leads to much more complicated issues. And yes, a cup of hot coffee simply cannot substitute sleep.

Lack of sleep triggers numerous health issues

Lack of sleep leads to really serious health problems. Namely, a recent study has show that people who sleep less than six hours are at risk of heart disease.

A study conducted in 2011 by The European Heart Journal consisted of 15 studies, which discovered that people who have a lack of sleep have 48% bigger chances of having a heart disease, and 15 percent higher risk of getting a stroke. Moreover, the same study revealed that people who sleep 9 or more hours, have 38% bigger risk of getting a heart disease and really high 65% risk of getting a stroke.

Another study concluded that sleep lowers the blood pressure and lack of it may lead to a condition when the blood pressure will remain high. As in many other things, the balance of sleep is of utmost importance.

Modern living and sleep

Few are constantly rushing through life, facing many family problems, work, current events and many other factors, and all this causes a lot of stress and makes it more and more difficult to have enough sleep. Moreover, sleep is also affected by the development and growing use of technology.

There are numerous sleep aids can be found and bough, but they can cause dependency and are not natural. Luckily, there is always a natural variant of the remedy for each problem, such as natural sleeping aids, natural insomnia cures, medications for sleep disorder and natural remedies for sleep.

We offer you a superb natural remedy to resolve your sleep issues and make you sleep like a baby:

The best sleep solution- Himalayan salt and honey

If you want to resolve your sleep issues and start sleeping like a baby, then, this is your miraculous remedy. It is made of only 2 ingredients, and it will help your body to relax and to prepare for the next day.


  • One teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt
  • Five teaspoons of natural honey


Method of preparation:

Take a glass jar and mix the ingredients in it. You can use as much as you want, but the best proportion of the ingredients is 1:5.



Put a bit of this under your tongue before going to bed and let the mixture dissolve naturally.



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