Melon seeds – Cure for E Coli

Melon seeds – Cure for E Coli

The health benefits of melon are substantial. Use the pulp, seeds, and root for medicinal purposes. It shields the body against aging, urinary tract issues, cardiovascular disease, and aids in weight loss. It belongs to the category of foods that fight cancer.

Because of the harmful bacteria E. coli, the melon seeds' performance can thus be considered a miracle. One of the many varieties and subtypes of Escherichia coli can be found in the human lower abdomen.

Most types of bacteria are harmless, and sometimes even useful. They are found in the digestive tract and produce vitamin K and protect the stomach and other toxic bacteria. Several species back from E. coli are dangerous and can lead to severe illness and even death.

E. coli is commonly found as bacteria in the urinary tract. These infections can be successfully treated with appropriate antibiotics, but in many cases antibiotics not only do not help but hinder because bacteria can easily adapt to the new environment and easily mutate.

In such cases, patients require medication natural base.

One of the widely used methods that have proven successful is the use of dry ground melon seeds. It is enough for 21 days in a row, once a day to take 1 tablespoon crushed melon seeds with 6.6 oz (200 ml) of water. The results are remarkable if the patient adheres to the treatment.

How ever as E Coli can be a very harmful bacteria of the urinary tract and especially kidneys, its a must to be treated with medical therapy prescribed by a doctor and take the drink of seeds additionally.

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