Make Sure Your Thyroid Is Getting Enough Iodine With This Simple 24 Hour Home Test

Make Sure Your Thyroid Is Getting Enough Iodine With This Simple 24 Hour Home Test

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland normally weighing less than one ounce, it is located at the front base of the neck. The thyroid secretes hormones that act throughout the body influencing metabolism, growth and development and body temperature. Its proper function is dependent on two trace minerals iodine and manganese. Of the two, iodine is the most essential for proper thyroid function and health. This simple and inexpensive test can show if your body has sufficient iodine to normalize thyroid secretions.

With iodine tincture, simply paint a postage size stamp on the inside of your wrist. If the brown stain fades in 24 hours or less, it indicates there is not sufficient iodine to normalize thyroid secretion to the cells. Even if you are taking pharmaceutical thyroid medication, lack of iodine will prevent your body from properly utilizing it.


1. Its best to do this test in the morning after showering but it is not required. You can start anytime.

2. Use Tincture of Iodine to paint a postage square size stamp on the inside of your wrist.

Note:  Tincture of Iodine is available from any drugstore or pharmacy. Be sure it’s the original orange colored solution and not the clear solution.

3. Write down the time you painted your wrist.

4. Observe the coloration of the patch over the next 24 hours.


Overall, the faster the body draws in the iodine, the greater the iodine need is likely to be.
1. Patch begins to slightly lighten after 24 hours – NORMAL

2. Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 18-24 hours – MILD

3. Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 12-18 hours – MODERATE

4. Patch disappears, or almost disappears in 6-12 hours – SEVERE 5. Patch disappears, or almost disappears in under 6 hours – VERY SEVERE


Repeat Testing

You can repeat this test every 1-2 weeks to monitor the need for iodine. When the patch no longer disappears within 24 hours, adjust iodine dose accordingly.

I prefer whole food supplements whenever possible. You may wish to discuss Standard Process or Medi Herb options with your healthcare practitioner.  For reference I have listed the amounts of iodine in the Standard Process and Medi Herb supplements listed below: Prolamine Iodine—3mg,  Trace Minerals B12—145mcg, Min-Chex—300mcg, Min-Tran—50mcg, Cataplex F, Tablets (tablets)—95mcg



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