Magnesium, NOT Calcium, Is the Key to Healthy Bones

Magnesium, NOT Calcium, Is the Key to Healthy Bones

Our culture has completely implanted the notion that calcium is the key component that builds strong bones, but in actuality, calcium is just ONE of many minerals your body needs to build strong bones.

The key to building strong bones during adolescence may lie in dietary intake of magnesium rather than calcium, according to new research presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) annual meeting in the United States.

For a considerable amount of time, the standard engine has been promoting the use of calcium to strengthen weak bones. The long-held misconception that taking calcium supplements strengthens teeth and bones is reinforced in almost every foundation. Anyhow, is supplementing with calcium a viable option?

A 2004 research demonstrated that individuals with excess calcium in their coronary artery, who take statins, have a 17-fold higher danger of heart attacks than those with lower blood vessel calcium levels; scientists presumed that the two most authoritative pointers of heart attacks were LDL levels and calcium build-up.

A 2007 research demonstrated that calcium from dietary sources has better consequences for bone wellbeing than calcium from supplements in postmenopausal ladies (Am J Clin Nutr 2007).

A 2008 research discovered calcium supplements are connected with a more noteworthy number of heart attacks in postmenopausal ladies (BMJ 2008)

A 2010 meta-analysis demonstrated calcium supplements (without coadministered vitamin D) are connected with increased danger for heart attacks (BMJ 2010)

As per the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), food will dependably be the best wellspring of calcium: “People who get the recommended amount of calcium from foods do not need to take a calcium supplement. These individuals still may need to take a vitamin D supplement. Getting too much calcium from supplements may increase the risk of kidney stones and other health problems.”

“Calcium supplements have been widely embraced by doctors and the public, on the grounds that they are a natural and therefore safe way of preventing osteoporotic fractures,” reported the analysts, headed by Professor Sabine Rohrmann, from Zurich University’s foundation of social and preventive medicine.

“It is now becoming clear that taking this micronutrient in one or two daily [doses] is not natural, in that it does not reproduce the same metabolic effects as calcium in food,” they included.

The major part of the supplements on the supplement market nowadays contain calcium carbonate which is a secondary type of calcium and makers put a basic chelating agent like citrus extract to make it more absorbable, however the final item is second rate compared to other calcium supplements, for example, calcium orotate, which is the main known manifestation of calcium which can adequately enter the layers of cells.

An alternate truth the vast majority are ignorant of is the myth advanced by the dairy business that eating pasteurized dairy items, for example, milk or cheese, builds calcium levels. This is completely false. The purification preparation just makes calcium carbonate, which has truly no chance to get of entering the cells without a chelating agent.

So what the body does is force the calcium from the bones and different tissues keeping in mind the end goal to cushion the calcium carbonate in the blood.This methodology ACTUALLY CAUSES OSTEOPOROSIS. Milk absolutely does not do a body decent in the event that it’s sanitized.

Magnesium and Increasing Awareness

The new information from Professor Steven Abrams and his partners at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston finds that admission and ingestion of magnesium amid youth are key indicators of aggregate bone mineral substance and bone thickness – while dietary calcium admission was not altogether connected with such measures.

“Dietary magnesium intake may be an important, relatively unrecognized, factor in bone mineral accretion in children,” – the researchers discovered.

“Lots of nutrients are key for children to have healthy bones. One of these appears to be magnesium,” reported Abrams. “Calcium is important, but, except for those children and adolescents with very low intakes, may not be more important than magnesium.”

The scientists noted that parents have been encouraged to guarantee their kid has a decent admission of calcium so as to help build solid and sound bones. Then again, the essentialness of different minerals vital for bone wellbeing, for example, magnesium, have not been so generally advanced.

Abrams and his group recommended that it might soon be the situation that parents are urged to guarantee that their kids consume enough magnesium, too.

More prominent magnesium admission is altogether identified with higher bone mineral thickness (BMD) in men and ladies. There is a surmised 2 percent increment in entire body BMD for each 100 milligram every day increment in magnesium.

Osteoporotic fractures are a critical wellbeing issue in aging adults — Dr. Kathryn M. Ryder, of the University of Tennessee, Memphis, and associates note in their report.Given the high pervasiveness of low BMD and fracture, little changes in BMD may have a huge general wellbeing impact.

Magnesium is a “less-examined” part of bone that may assume a part in calcium digestion system and bone quality, they include.

Supplementing With Magnesium

For the dominant part of mankind’s history, the proportion of calcium to magnesium in the eating methodology was 1:1, a degree that is viewed as ideal. A proportion that is somewhere around 1:1 and 2:1 is satisfactory (for instance, 800 mg of calcium to 400 mg of magnesium). Sadly, today’s weight control plans contain a normal of 10 times more calcium than magnesium.

Magnesium comes in numerous structures. Magnesium oxide or chloride is fine, as is chelated magnesium. Containers normally contain 250-500 mg of magnesium.

You can likewise utilize a calcium/magnesium supplement. Try different things with levels. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is 350-400 mg every day, in spite of the fact that for ideal levels, you may require as much as twice that sum.

It’s best to take your magnesium in isolated measurements for the duration of the day. You can take it either on an empty stomach or with meals.

You can likewise add Epsom salts to your baths–epsom salt as magnesium sulfate. It’s ingested through the skin and will help renew magnesium stores. This “treatment” can without much of a stretch incorporate an unwinding bath with a decent book.

One percent of the body’s magnesium is in the blood, and the body will get it from bones and tissues if that level drops. That implies that a blood test could without much of a stretch demonstrate an ordinary reading, actually when whatever remains of the body is exceptionally inadequate.

The best wellsprings of magnesium will always be food. Dietary wellsprings of magnesium incorporate green leafy vegetables. Cacao, seeds, and nuts of any sort are some of the highest food sources in magnesium.

Marco Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy.

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