Learn How to Make the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infection In The Body

Learn How to Make the Most Powerful Natural Antibiotic Ever – Kills Any Infection In The Body

Since alcohol was first distilled—which, to be honest, is the beginning of time as most people understand it—tinctures have been around. Naturally, tinctures were marginalized as a folk remedy as western medicine gained popularity. Tinctures, though, are medicinal. When the chemical components of an herb or food are extracted using alcohol, a highly concentrated liquid is produced that, in most situations, can be stored on the shelf indefinitely.


 Unlike pills, which only contain one or a few chemicals which are often synthesized, tinctures remain “whole”; they extract all of the goodness from the herbs. They are strong so it is important to treat them as powerful healing sources but they rarely have contraindications with each other nor side effects. They are also amazing because you can easily make them at home and you can customize them to meet you and your households needs. Normally, you make a tincture with 80-proof alcohol, however, it can also be made for those who want to avoid alcohol with glycerin or apple cider vinegar. Glycerin makes a great tincture for children because it is sweet but doesn’t create as potent of a final product.


A tonic is something that is meant to be taking over a long time and gradually, and effectively strengthens and builds the system. Apple Cider Vinegar makes the perfect menstruum when you want to make a tonic tincture. Not only is it 100% non-toxic, it also has many health benefits in and of itself:

•Helps regulate the acid/alkaline balance

•Aids the digestive tract- if the apple cider is organic and unfiltered it will contain a ‘mother’ or a scoby (a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) which is an amazing probiotic.

•Acetic acid which is a potent antimicrobial and has been shown to reduce cholesterol, and helps insulin sensitivity(another study here)

•Malic acid which is an antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, and also supports energy production which increases mental and muscle functioning

•Strengthen immune system


Now, how do we make an amazing antibiotic, antiviral, vermifuge, antifungal with a plethora of other health benefits? Dr. Richard Schulze calls it the SuperTonic and it has been passed around the internet under the nameMaster Tonic — even though it’s hard to give him credit when herbalists have been doing this for centuries. Either way, the recipe is fantastic. Remember, use organic ingredients or preferably grow them yourself – you will be soaking them for their medicinal qualities and this means you need the highest, healthiest quality.


“The fresh juices of organic Horseradish Root drive this formula to your head, sinuses, throat and lungs, where you need it. The organic Garlic Juice and its next of kin, organic Onion Juice, are the two best herbs to flush micro-organisms from your body. The organic Yellow Ginger Root Juice and Habanero Pepper Juice stimulate your blood and lymphatic flow like no other herbs, to get your immune cells to the bad guys as fast as possible. The organic, raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar preserves all of these plant juices and cleanses your body, too.”


This is how you can make the Tonic yourself

The Ingredients:

-Fresh Habanero Pepper (or find the hottest pepper you can)

-Garlic Bulb

-White Onion

-Ginger Root

-Horseradish Root

-Raw Apple Cider Vinegar

** I add Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric Root but this isn’t a part of Dr. Schulze’s recipe



This tonic is prepared like all tinctures: fill a glass with herbs, completely cover the herbs and then add two or three more inches of liquid, in this case vinegar. Then let the tonic sit in a dark place for at least 2-6 weeks, the longer the stronger it will be.

You will need a large glass jar — I use the gallon size jar by Ball so that I can make a large batch that will last.

Next, peel and chop your veggies. Some people put them in whole while others dice grate, or process them. This is up to you how small you want your pieces, I like mine chopped but not minced just because it makes the straining process a little easier and I reuse the pieces in soups after.

*Remember, these are hot peppers and onions, if you’ve never cut them before they are powerful enough to make you cry. Many instructions recommend wearing gloves. I never have gloves around the house so I just do it bare handed and let the tears roll. However, if you have any small cuts on your hands you will becoming highly aware of them. To get the smell and burn off I wash my hands with hot soapy water and then with fresh squeezed lemon juice after and make sure not to touch my eyes for at least an hour.

Place all of the ingredients into the large glass jar and completely cover with apple cider vinegar so that the vinegar sits two inches above the herb and veggie line. (The extra vinegar accounts for the expansion)

Place a firm lid on the tonic and while holding the lid in place shake the tonic so that it mixes and settles.

Add more vinegar if needed.
You can let the medicine sit alone for weeks or you can shake it daily, which is recommended. I let mine sit for a full moon cycle.


Next, for storage and ease of use, strain the tincture. You will need a loosely woven piece of cloth, like cheesecloth, muslin, or some handkerchiefs, a large bowl, and a stainless steel colander that fits into the bowl. If you don’t have these tools, you can place the cloth over the mouth of the jar and pour until all of the liquid has come out but you will waste a lot.

Place the colander into the bowl and line the colander with cheesecloth. Pour the contents of the jar into this strainer. Take a flat object, like a plate, and press onto the concoction to press the remaining juices out.

You can pour the tonic into small jars or you can rinse your large jar and keep it in there. Tinted bottles, like amber glass, are recommended for storing tinctures because they reduce light damage.

Store in a dark, cool place.

Compost the remains or you can freeze to add a kick to soups and other dishes.
This man made a youtube video to show how he makes the Master Tonic.


Once the tonic is ready you can start drinking it daily or as needed to support digestion, the immune system, and other ailments. Remember, you were soaking really powerful and spicy herbs so that is what it is going to taste like. I actually mix a little raw honey into mine so that it goes down smoother but most take it as it is. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water throughout the day, too.

This is Dr. Shulze’s label for dosing:


For the homemade concoction, unless you have a dropper, a shot a day will work. A shot is usually 1-2 ounces. However, if you are fighting an infection or cold you can up the dosage to 5 or 6 shots a day.


Know Your Herbs: Key Constituents

Garlic: alliin, essential oils, sulfur compounds, germanium, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin C

*treats colds, flus, sore throats, aids digestion, stimulates white blood cell production, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, vermifuge, aids circulation and cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels

Ginger: Essential Oils, oleoresin, gingerol

*anti-inflammatory, repair damaged joints, improves circulation, lowers blood sugar, heals nausea, antiseptic

White Onion: sulfur, quercetin, alliins, phytochemicals, dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium 

Habanero: antioxidant, phenolic compounds, carotenoids and ascorbic acid

Horseradish: sulfur, antioxidants, mustard oil, vitamin C

*antibiotic, vermifuge, increases white blood cell count, diuretic, loosens mucus and works for sinus infections, lung problems, cough, asthma

Source: massreport.com
References: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
The British Journal of Nutrition
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
Gladstar, R. (1993). Herbal healing for women: Simple home remedies for women of all ages. New York: Simon & Schuster.
Gladstar, R. (2012). Rosemary Gladstar’s medicinal herbs: A beginner’s guide. North Adams, MA: Storey Pub.


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