How To Naturally Cure Skin Tags, Moles, Warts, Blackheads, And Age Spots

How To Naturally Cure Skin Tags, Moles, Warts, Blackheads, And Age Spots

Blemishes and warts are a pretty common skin problem. They develop for any number of reasons and can be unsightly. Fortunately, you can easily get rid of them naturally. Here’s how it’s done.



Generally, warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. There are 100 different types of warts that impact people, and they’re relatively easy to get rid of. All you really need to do is dab the warts with apple cider vinegar and cover with a bandage. Replace the bandage twice a day. I’ve also heard of duct tape working well. Just paste a bit of the tape over the wart and leave on. After 6 days, you can soak it in water for a while and then rub off with a pumice stone.


Skin tags

Skin tags develop because of friction from our clothing usually. Again, apple cider vinegar will do the trick to get rid of them. Just swab some ACV on the skin tag with a cotton ball a few times a day and it’ll eventually fall off. Tea tree oil works too. It should take about 10 days.



Moles aren’t generally harmful. Of course, it’s important to know the signs of skin cancerMostly moles are just unsightly. You can get rid of moles by crushing garlic and applying to the mole, then covering with a bandage for at least four hours a day. Apple cider vinegar can work too but it’s a bit less effective.



Really the key to getting rid of blackheads is to keep your pores clean. You can open up your pores with steam before washing. Apply a natural astringent like apple cider vinegar and then a moisturizer like coconut oil.


Age spots

I’m a big fan of taking on aging with grace, but sometimes age spots can make you feel self conscious. They’re caused by too much exposure to the sun. Fortunately, lemon juice acts like a bleaching agent for the skin, so applying to the skin a few times a day will lighten up dark spots. Be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen!

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